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Brazzil Magazine

Brazil President Sees Sunny Side of US Crisis: Obama’s Victory

Brazilian President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, sees a silver lining in the recent ...

US Nobel Krugman Sees Brazil and LatAm Changed Relations with Obama

US economy Nobel laureate Paul Krugman anticipated that relations between the United States and ...

Brazil, Mexico and Argentina Say Thanks, But No Thanks to IMF

Latin American Central bank presidents and leading economists said on Sunday the region is ...

Brazilian Oil Company Petrobras Reaches Production Record

Average oil production at state-controlled multinational Petrobras' oil fields in Brazil in September reached ...

Brazil Invokes Moral Obligation and Opens Lab in Africa to Make Aids Medicine

The president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said Friday, October 17, during ...

US Economic Troubles Draw Brazil Marble Firm to Middle East

Granibras, Granitos Brasileiros, a Brazilian company that sells marbles and granites, sees the Arab ...

Brazil Gives Exporters a Break Offering Credit in Foreign Currencies

The Brazilian central bank will offer credit lines in foreign currencies as of next ...

Brazil Yanomami Accuse Gold Miners of Bringing Disease and Killing Their Fish

In a letter denouncing the invasion of their land by illegal garimpeiros (gold miners) ...

Brazilian Food Giant Sadia Beefs Up Old Plant with US$ 79 Million Investment

Sadia's old plant in Toledo, in the southern Brazilian state of Paraná, which received ...