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Brazzil Magazine

Hugo Chavez Finds Out He Has Few Friends in Brazil’s Senate

Brazilian senators postponed on Wednesday until next Tuesday the vote on Venezuela's incorporation to ...

Brazil’s Petrobras Vows to Keep Expanding and Spending Throughout the Continent

Brazilian government controlled oil and gas multinational Petrobras begins seismic surveying offshore Uruguay in ...

Brazil Cites Low Inflation and Idleness to Keep Interest Rates at 8.75%

With inflation below target, Brazil's central bank, for the third time in a row, ...

After Calling for Stop to Arms Race in LatAm Peru Buys Fighter Planes from Brazil

Alan Garcia, the president of Peru, defended his government's decision to purchase Chinese tanks ...

Only a Federal Program Can End Brazil’s Big Fraud and Educational Shame

Whenever anyone asks for an explanation of the educational shame in one of the ...

Brazil Celebrates Anti-Corruption Day with New Bill, Batons and Tear Gas

Another major politician has been accused of being involved in a corruption scheme in ...

Brazil to Lead Growth in LatAm Next Year with 5.5% Boost, Says Eclac

According to the Preliminary Balance from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the ...

Brazilian President Uses Swearword Talking about the Poor

Brazilian president Luiz Inรกcio Lula da Silva used a four-letter word during a speech ...

Major Villain, Livestock Source of 50% of Brazil’s Greenhouse

A study still to be published in a scientific journal shows that half of ...

Christmas Boom for Brazil’s Beggars

A few years I wrote an article about a woman selling sweets on the ...