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Brazzil Magazine

Gol and American Airlines Expand Codeshare to More Cities in Brazil

Brazil's Gol Airlines and US's American Airlines have strengthened their alliance by finalizing a ...

Strong Rain and Lightning Caused Brazil 17-State Blackout

Brazilian experts from different hydroelectric power sectors in Brazil came to the conclusion that ...

Brazil Urged to Cut Interest Rates to Prevent Dollar from Falling Further

A group of former government financial officials and economists from the Latin America suggested ...

Rio and Sí£o Paulo Police Use License to Kill Over 1000 Times a Year

Brazilian police officers in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, in the country's Southeast, ...

Brazil and Argentina Condemn Honduras Elections But Can’t Make Mercosur Work

Brazilian analysts say that the political coincidences of the two-day Mercosur presidential summit held ...

Brazil Exchange to Hold Carbon Credit Auction

A total of 240,000 voluntary carbon units from projects managed by the Social Carbon ...

Brazilian Tribe Might Benefit from REDD, Now Being Debated in Copenhagen

A vulnerable Brazilian tribe in the Amazon region owns carbon-trading rights in future global ...

Brazil and Argentina Vow Strong Trade Links, But Keep Fighting over Licenses

The governments of Brazil and Argentina are discussing the possibility of reducing the number ...

Brazil and Neighbors Warned by US to Think Twice Before Embracing Ahmadinejad

Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, urged Latin American countries on Friday to ...

Brazil Not Out of the Woods Yet. 1.3% GDP Growth Lower than Expected

According to the official release on Thursday from the Brazilian statistics office, the IBGE, ...