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Brazzil Magazine

IMF Forecasts 5.5% GDP Growth for Brazil with Risks of Overheating

Latin America’s largest economy and leading Mercosur partner, Brazil is poised to grow 5.5% ...

Brasília’s Creator Frowns Upon Disney Parade to Celebrate City’s 50th Birthday

Brazilian capital Brasilia’s 50th anniversary’s celebration began Wednesday with a parade of Walt Disney ...

Brazil’s Landless Double Invasions to Become Part of Presidential Campaign

The recent sharp increase in activity by Brazil’s Landless Rural Worker Movement (MST), as ...

Brazil and the New Economic Miracle. The US Has a Lot to Learn!

When the sovereignty wealth funds of the world (including countries such as China, Saudi ...

How High Interest Rates Are Killing Brazil’s Golden Eggs Goose

With a massive labor force and abundant natural resources, Brazil normally has offered a ...

Bank of Brazil Buys Argentinean Bank, Next Might Be an American One

Banco do Brasil, Latin America’s largest bank, a Brazilian state-controlled financial institution, will pay ...

Trade Unions from 27 Countries Gather in Brazil to Trade Ideas

Tunisian General Labor Union’s secretary general, Abdessalem Jerad, and the assistant secretary to the ...

Ethanol Makers in Brazil Lambast US for Subsidies and Tariffs on the Fuel

Reacting to newly introduced legislation from American senators Chuck Grassley (Republican from Iowa) and ...

Brazil Is Number 1 in Demanding Private Info and Censorship on Google Services

Brazil and United States topped the list of nations demanding private information about Google ...