Brazzil Magazine

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

By Brazzil Magazine PLAYS RIO Opereta—O Homem Que Sabia Português (Operetta—The Man Who Knew ...

Babel Synopsis

Despite the moralistic streak at Globo, the network is not abandoning its lewd characters. ...

Light out of Darkness

A country where the population can reduce by 20 percent the domestic consumption of ...

In Bed With a Brazilian

Brazilians spend an average of 30 minutes doing it. By comparison, Thais don’t spend ...

The Emperor of Bahia, The King of Brazil, Or You Can Just Call Hi

The speech in its entirety, in Portuguese:By Alessandra Dalevi Twice this doctor was governor ...


Despite the moralistic streak at Globo, the network is not abandoning its lewd characters. ...


There is a renewed interest in medicinal plants all over the world. The World ...

My Turn

My take on Philip Mizewski’s article "In Defense of Brazil" published in the June ...

In the Blacklist

The big recording stores don’t carry any titles by Wilson Simonal, a singer who ...