Tourism Ministry Wants US$ 100 Million to Promote Brazil

Brazil’s Ministry of Tourism hopes that it will be apportioned a record-breaking budget this year. This expectation was revealed by the Minister of Tourism, Walfrido dos Mares Guia, in an interview with Agência Brasil.

In the budget proposal before the National Congress, the amount to promote the image of Brazil abroad as well as within the country could reach US$ 100 million.

According to the Minister, domestic airplane travel by Brazilians increased in 2005, resulting in an all-time record for domestic tourism. The number of passenger departures on domestic flights came to around 43 million, 18% more than in 2004.

International tourism attracted US$ 5 billion in revenues in 2005, the largest amount ever, according to the Minister. The number of foreign flights arriving in Brazil was up 10%.

In view of these statistics, the Minister assured that "Brazil will gather even more fruits in 2006 than in 2005."



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