Brazil’s Surplus Reaches US$ 36.3 Billion

According to Brazil’s Ministry of Development, Industry and External Trade, Brazilian exports totaled US$ 9.904 billion in October, while imports reached US$ 6.218 billion, which generated a surplus of US$ 3.686 billion in the month. This result was 14.83% below that obtained in September, but it was 22.70% superior to that of last year’s same period.

With this result, the year’s trade balance (exports minus imports) registers another good performance and contributes to an accumulated balance of US$ 36.350 billion, which is US$ 8.271 billion more (or 29.45% more) than the surplus registered in the January-October 2004 period, which was US$ 28.079 billion.

So far, this year’s exports have totaled US$ 96.623 billion, a 22.1% increase. Imports rose 18.1% and have added up to US$ 60.273 billion. In the last 12 months (November 2004-October 2005) exports balance reached US$ 113.976 billion, while imports balance totaled US$ 41.933 billion.



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