Industrial Jobs Fall in Brazil

Industry new jobs in Brazil dropped 0.2% in March, when compared to February, in 11 of the 14 regions included in the Monthly Industrial Job Research of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e EstatÀ­stica, IBGE).

When compared to March of last year, however, there was an increase of 2.2%, the 13th consecutive positive rate.

The real value of industry’s payroll went up for the fourth consecutive month, in 13 of the 14 regions surveyed, with an increase of 1.4% in the month.

The number of hours paid by the industry dropped 1.0% from February to March, but went up 1.5% when compared to March 2004.

The regions that created most jobs were São Paulo (2.2%), Minas Gerais (4.9%), and Brazilian northern and central western regions (6.0%).

Industry segments that created most jobs in São Paulo were food and beverages (13.3%), and transportation (14.0%), whereas in Minas Gerais, it was the metal products (28.6%), and transportation (11.6%) sector, as well.

In the northern and central western regions, the food and beverages sector had the best performance (13.6%), benefited by the dynamism of the agroindustry.



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