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Small Oil Company from Brazil Looks Overseas for Business

Redepetro, Bahia, Brazil Representatives of the RedePetro Bahia recently participated in two international missions with the objective of prospecting new business for micro and small companies from Bahia that offer goods and services in the oil sector. The network offers goods and services in that  sector.

The RedePetro is the main partner in the Project for Insertion of Micro and Small Companies in the Oil, Gas and Energy Productive Chain, and is an initiative of the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) and Petrobras.

The executive secretary at RedePetro Bahia and the Bahia state branch of the Sebrae, Nicolás Honorato, informs that the first mission took place from June 5 to 15, at the Global Petroleum Show Fair, in Calgary, in Alberta province, Canada.

The event counted on the participation of six businessmen from Bahia. "During the Fair in Canada meetings took place with institutions in Alberta province for future exchange, partnerships and technical cooperation between companies in Bahia and Canada," explained  Honorato.

Businessman Roberto Câmara, CEO at Câmara & Câmara Consultants, considered his participation in the fair very positive. "We had the opportunity to participate in a luncheon with 30 businessmen from Canada and later in individual meetings with two Canadian organizations. I can say that we are already in an advanced stage of negotiations to represent a Canadian company in Brazil," pointed out Roberto Câmara.

"In this fair we noticed that the interest in Brazil is very great, mainly after the discovery of new oil reserves in the country. Therefore, when discussing a trade mission from Brazil, the receptivity is good," added Câmara.

Between July 15 and 22, consultant Honorato participated in the 15th Luanda International Business Fair, in Angola, a multi sector fair that focuses on the oil sector. Honorato recalled that Angola produces 1 million barrels of oil a day and represents a growing market.

"At the fair we identified 37 opportunities for direct partnership between companies in RedePetro Bahia and Angolan enterprises. We had meetings with representatives of the Angolan state-owned oil company, Sonangol, to present options for supply of goods and services by companies from Bahia, and also with the association of Angolan enterprises. We started a first contact to establish future partnerships," said Honorato.

To the coordinator of the Project for Insertion of Micro and Small Companies in the Oil, Gas and Energy Productive Chain at the Bahia State branch of the Sebrae, Aline Lobo, the missions to Angola and Canada are part of the RedePetro strategy for internationalization of companies from Bahia with the objective of diversifying markets and promoting trade exchange and technology transfer.

According to Aline Lobo, the choice of Canada and Angola was based on the similarities of the focus on exploration on land and on the enormous perspectives of supply to fulfil the demands of forecasted investment in the sector.

"In the sector of oil and gas the competition is on the global scope, with rigorous requirements by anchor companies. Apart from that, the sector is extremely heated, with many opportunities for business, and investment is cyclic, making it necessary to open other markets to diversify risks, open new fronts for sales, improve the competitiveness of companies, maintain balanced and continued sales processes and promote trade and technological exchange," pointed out Aline.



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