metatag In Tourism Events Brazil Only Loses to the US in the Americas - brazzil

In Tourism Events Brazil Only Loses to the US in the Americas

Maksoud Plaza hotel in São Paulo, Brazil Brazil is the only Latin American country among the 10 nations in the world that promote most international events. According to the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), the most important international organization in the sector, in 2007 Brazil was in the eight position in the global ranking, with 209 international events.

In the Americas, Brazil only loses to the United States. Since 2003, when there were 62 events and the country was in the 19th position in the ranking, the country has climbed eleven rungs. After becoming a reference in this sector, the country has been attracting the attention of neighboring markets.

This month, the Brazilian Tourism Institute (Embratur) was invited to share its experiences for the support of attraction of events and promotion of foreign events during the Expoeventos 2008, which took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina

At the meeting, which brought together the countries in the region, the Business Tourism and Event director at Embratur, Marcelo Pedroso, spoke about the institute's strategies that have contributed to consolidation of Brazil as a leader in the sector in Latin America.

Among the experiences, the director spoke about the importance of making use of the visit of event tourists to offer them alternative routes and services, so that they may spend a few more days in the country.

According to Pedroso, expectations after the event are for the Brazilian Association of Event Companies and the Argentine Association of Organizers and Promoters of Exhibitions and Events to sign an agreement for technical cooperation to promote the exchange of specific information in the sectors they operate.

"The Associations plan to elaborate a joint work plan. This will be an important step for Latin America to be integrated and to occupy more space on the global scenery," stated the director.



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