metatag New York Bullish on Brazilian Stocks - brazzil

New York Bullish on Brazilian Stocks

New York Stock Exchange Shares of Brazilian companies traded in the Nova York Stock Exchange (NYSE) also known as ADRs (American Depositary Receipts) reached a record high in average daily trades in the month of May, according to data disclosed May 27 by Economática, a consultancy firm .

According to the manager at Economática Latin America, Einar Rivero, the average daily volume traded per day during the month, was US$ 4.072 billion, a historic result. The previous record, Rivero says, was achieved in January, with an average daily volume traded of US$ 3.985 billion.

Just to have an idea, according to him, the São Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa) had an average daily traded volume of US$ 3.588 billion per day during the same period, a record high for the Brazilian stock exchange.

The most traded stocks in May were those of Petrobras ON, which ranked 14th in the NYSE with US$ 1.23 billion traded on average per day, and of Vale ON, which ranked 20th with daily trades of US$ 862.8 million.

Next among the most traded Brazilian ADRs were those of Petrobras PN, Vale PNA, Bradesco PN, Unibanco, Itaú PN, Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) ON, Gerdau Palestinian, and Ambev PN.

Trade Surplus

In the fourth week of May, from the 19th to the 25th, the Brazilian balance of trade showed a surplus of US$ 741 million. Exports totaled US$ 972.8 million and imports, US$ 787.5 million.

In the accumulated result for the month, the surplus increased to US$ 2.960 billion and in the year, to US$ 7.540 billion, with foreign sales of US$ 67.599 billion and purchases of US$ 60.059 billion.

The accumulated trade balance surplus for the year is equivalent to 52.3% of the daily average from January to May last year.

Imports grew 48.7% on average per business day, whereas the export volume was much lower, having grown only 20.2% using the same basis for comparison.


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