metatag Piauí­, in Brazil's Northeast, Becomes Honey Hub - brazzil

Piauí­, in Brazil’s Northeast, Becomes Honey Hub

Brazil produced honey The northeastern Brazilian state of PiauÀ­ answered to 27.7% of total honey exports from Brazil. The information was supplied by the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC). The export value in October 2007, which stood at US$ 1.9 million, was 75% greater than that of September.

"Piauí­ has always surpassed its export goal. The state has a huge production capacity, and we are seeking more and more training in the sector, so that we are able to win other markets.

"This positive percentage for honey exports had a special character due to the fact that the European embargo was lifted. This indicates that we have abided by all of the rules imposed by the European Community," explains the manager for Beekeeping Projects at Sebrae (Brazilian Service of Support to Small Business) Piauí­, Francisco Holanda.

According to data from the MDIC, Piauí­ ranks among the six leading honey exporter states in Brazil from January to October this year. Canada and South Africa have increased their imports of Brazilian honey.

Piauí­ recorded an increase of 62.7% in export revenues during that same period. The Brazilian Northeast is responsible for the processing of 10,910 tons of honey/year, and Piauí­ alone produces 4,500 tons/year.

The state of Piauí­ is estimated to have 25,000 beekeepers, distributed across more than 200 municipalities. The micro-region of Picos accounts for 60% of the state's honey production.

Data from Sebrae show that Brazil exported US$ 14 million to the United States between January and September. This represented 89.6% of all the Brazilian honey sold overseas. With the reopening of the European market this scenario should be changing soon.



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