metatag Here Comes the Brazilian Certified Organic Happy Chicken - brazzil

Here Comes the Brazilian Certified Organic Happy Chicken

Shiguemoto from Korin Agropecuária in Brazil Company Korin Agropecuária is the first company from the southeastern Brazilian state of São Paulo to produce organic chicken on grazing ground. Thanks to the increase in offer of inputs like organic corn and soy, the company has managed to produce chicken according to international organic regulations.

The certification is granted by the Biodynamics Institute (IBD). In 1995, Korin had already pioneered in the launch of "green chicken", without the use of antibiotics, hormones and growth promoters.

Part of the production of organic chicken (galinha caipira – country chicken) supplies the domestic market, but the main focus is exports. "France, Germany, Japan and the United States are great consumers of organic products," stated Edson Shiguemoto, commercial manager at Korin. According to him, the company has already exported green chicken to Japan and believes that organic chicken will be even more successful.

"The organic chicken made by Korin supplies a growing number of people concerned with good feeding habits, aligned to environmental and social sustainability, characteristic of the certified organic production system," stated Shiguemoto.

Apart from organic feeding, the birds also graze. "This method increases the animals' well-being, resulting in a more healthy bird with better taste and more pleasant texture," he explained.

As the cost of the raw material used, organic corn and soy, is around three times more expensive than conventional feed, each kilogram of organic chicken should cost between 10 and 11 Brazilian reais (US$ 5.65 and US$ 6.25) for end consumers.

Korin believes that initial production should be around 20 tons of meat a day. On the domestic market, one of the partners in the trading of the organic chicken will be supermarket chain Pão de Açúcar.

The Brazilian company Korin, established in 1994, started producing fruit and vegetables. With annual revenues of 30 million reais (US$ 17 million), apart from chicken, Korin also produces eggs, fruit and vegetables, fertilizers, coffee and even a brand of mineral water with natural fluorine.

In total, the organization trades 65 items produced by 60 associated farmers. Only their production of organic strawberries is in the company hands. The organization produces over 50 tons of the fruit a year at Atibaia farm, in the interior of São Paulo.

At Ipeúna farm, also in the interior of the state, the company has its chicken farms and slaughterhouses. The organization also produces a line of inputs, like organic pesticides and fertilizers, under the brand Bokashi. The company guarantees that it uses modern technology to guarantee greater productivity of ecologically correct agriculture.


Telephone: (+55 11) 5083-8088

Anba –


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