metatag Brazil's Lula Has Best Regional Image, Bush and Chavez the Worst - brazzil

Brazil’s Lula Has Best Regional Image, Bush and Chavez the Worst

Brazil Lula and US Bush George Bush and Hugo Chavez, the presidents of the United States and Venezuela, are the regional leaders with the worst image, according to a public opinion poll published this weekend in the influential Brazilian daily O Estado de S. Paulo.

The Latin American leader best ranked was Brazil's Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva who managed a 56% positive image and 20% negative. He ranked best in Bolivia (67%) and Venezuela (60%) but had his worst showing at home with 30% negative and 59% positive image.

Bush had the worst rating according to the Ipsos polling institute contracted by the Brazilian newspaper and which included citizens from six Latinamerican countries and referred to eleven leaders of the region.

The US president only received 21% support but accumulated a 64% rejection. His Venezuelan colleague had 45% negative image and 38% positive.

Chavez collected his worst ratings in Bolivia (66% negative); Mexico (66% negative) and Brazil (48%) while in Venezuela he proved to have a 65% support and 27% rejection.

Chile's Michelle Bachelet managed a 40% positive image and 20% negative.

Cuba's Fidel Castro was the third ranked in the hate list with rejection reaching 42% and a positive 36%. Castro has most supporters in Ecuador (47% positive) and Venezuela (44% positive) while his worst standing is in Mexico (62% negative) and in Bolivia (56%).

The opinion poll was done last July and included residents in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Mexico and Venezuela.



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