metatag Jobs in Brazil Grow for Fifth Month in a Row - brazzil

Jobs in Brazil Grow for Fifth Month in a Row

The level of employment in Brazilian industry grew 1% in September, compared with August. This was the fifth straight month of growth, which has totaled 3.5% since April.

These data are from the Survey of Employment and Salaries in Industry, released today by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

The number of new jobs in industry in September was 3.5% higher than in September, 2003. The heftiest contributions came from São Paulo (2.2%) and Minas Gerais (7.4%).

Between January and September, employment growth was 1.1% higher than during the same period last year.

The biggest contributions came from Minas Gerais (4.0%), and the North and Center-West regions (3.8%), offsetting negative results in Rio de Janeiro (-3.4%), Espí­rito Santo (-2.0%), and Pernambuco (-1.4%).

In terms of sectors, new hires were greatest in machinery and equipment (13.7%), food and beverages (2.6), and means of transportation (5.8%).

The chief declines in employment occurred in clothing (-9.5%), metal goods (-5.5%), and paper and printing (-5.8%).

Agência Brasil
Translator: David Silberstein


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