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The Official Word on Vietnam President’s Visit to Brazil

The Brazilian and the Vietnam governments have issued a joint communiqué at the end of the visit by Vietnam President Tran Duc Luong. The document emphasized the need for the two nations to expand their bilateral relations.

The Communiqué

President Tran Duc Luong visited São Paulo on November 16th, during which time he was greeted by H.E. Mr. Geraldo Alckmin, State Governor.

He addressed representatives from the business communities of both countries at a seminar co-organized by the Confederação Nacional da Indústria and the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He paid a visit to EMBRAER at São José dos Campos.

On November 17th, President Lula welcomed President Tran Duc Luong in Brasí­lia. The two dignitaries held fruitful conversations in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and friendship.

They exchanged views about international and regional issues of common interest and examined the state of the bilateral relations between Brazil and Viet Nam.

An Agreement on Partial Abolition of Visa Requirements was celebrated, with a view to strengthening cooperation between the two countries. The Agreement will simplify and facilitate travel by nationals of both countries who are holders of diplomatic passports.

Both leaders considered the significance of the exchange of high level visits between the two countries as deepening bilateral relations.

To this end, it is advisable that ministries, parliamentarians, agencies, local authorities, business communities and mass organisations of the two countries increase exchanges and contacts in order to further consolidate their partnership.

They underscored that the visit of President Tran Duc Luong marks the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Brazil and Viet Nam.

Both sides noted with satisfaction that bilateral trade between the two countries has increased in the last four years. They attached high importance to further expanding bilateral trade.

In this sense, they welcomed the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Confederação Nacional da Indústria and the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Both leaders recognized the importance of the use of renewable energy sources for the sustainability of the global environment.

In this regard, they underscored the benefits of the use of bio-fuels such as ethanol. They expressed their willingness to stimulate the establishment of a framework for close cooperation in ethanol and related technologies.

The two Presidents expressed their willingness to develop cooperation in the health sector, particularly in the field of STD/AIDS. In this regard, they noted the importance of coordinating preventive and assistance measures towards people living with HIV/AIDS, and providing them universal access to antiretroviral drugs.

Both leaders agreed that it is of great importance to enhance the credibility of multilateral institutions, especially the United Nations and its Security Council.

They expressed support for the reform process of the UN system and, in this task, valued the work of the High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change.

They manifested the confidence that an effective reform of the Security Council should comprise new permanent members, including developing countries, besides non-permanent seats, to grant it more legitimacy and strength.

Furthermore, they shared the view that the United Nations should face more firmly the tasks of development and the fight against hunger and poverty.

A more comprehensive reform should reach not only the Security Council, but also  move towards the enhancement and greater efficacy of the General Assembly, the ECOSOC and the Secretariat.

Both Presidents announced with satisfaction the conclusion of the bilateral negotiations on concessions and commitments on market access for goods and services in the context of Viet Nam’s process of negotiation of its accession to the WTO.

The two leaders also welcomed the Agreement by Exchange of Notes Regarding the Reciprocal Most-Favored-Nation Treatment between Brazil and Viet Nam, which aims at substantially reducing tariff and non-tariff barriers in the bilateral trade.

Both leaders welcomed the consolidation of the Forum for East Asia and Latin America Cooperation, FEALAC, as a valuable instrument for deepening ties between Latin America and East Asia.

Both Presidents exchanged views and experiences about fighting hunger, reducing poverty and promoting development. They agreed that the international community has an important role to play in facing this issue.

President Tran Duc Luong expressed his sincere appreciation to President Lula and his government for the warm welcome and friendly hospitality received during his visit to Brazil.

President Tran Duc Luong cordially invited President Lula to visit the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam at a time of his convenience. President Lula accepted the invitation with pleasure and a date will be agreed upon through the diplomatic channels.


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