The Brazilian House of Representatives will hold today, November 29, at 10 in BrasÀlia, the country’s capital city, a solemn session in remembrance of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, created by the United Nations (UN).
According to the Palestinian ambassador in Brasília, Mayada Bamie, the session should be attended by representatives of 38 embassies, as well as members of Arab community and of the Brazilian Parliament.
The session will be held at the request of Representatives Nilson Mourão (PT, Acre), Henrique Fontana (PT, Rio Grande do Sul) and Jamil Murad (Brazil’s Communist Party, São Paulo), the latter being also the secretary general of the Brazil-Arab Parliamentary League.
Among others being expected in the ceremony are the speaker of the House, Aldo Rebelo, who belongs to the Communist Party (PCdoB, São Paulo).
"It is an act of solidarity by the Representatives," Mayada told reporters. During the ceremony, she will show a CD containing photographs of the Israeli occupation, and declarations for "a fair peace and an independent sovereign Palestinian State."