metatag Brazil's Horse of the Year Bought by Emir of Dubai - brazzil

Brazil’s Horse of the Year Bought by Emir of Dubai

It is not uncommon for Brazilian horses to compete and be sold abroad. In September, however, the horse sold was Dono da Raia, not just a good animal, but the Horse of the Year in Brazil, according to the Brazilian Association of Racehorse Breeders and Owners (ABCPCC).

Dono da Raia (Track’s Boss) was the winner in 2006 of the two main races in the country: Grande Prêmio São Paulo, which took place in May, and Grande Prêmio Brasil, which took place in August, in Rio de Janeiro.

The horse, a thoroughbred, was purchased by Godolphin Stables, which belong to the ruler of Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, also the vice president of the United Arab Emirates. The horse has already been shipped to the Godolphin installations in Newmarket, England.

The subject made headlines in the local press. On September 25, the Gulf News website, based in Dubai, published: "Godolphin stable acquire Brazil’s Horse of the Year". The seller was Stud Mictik, from São Paulo (Southeast Brazil) and the animal was raised at the Haras São Quirino farm, in the city of Campinas, in the interior of São Paulo, according to the former owner.

Dono da Raia was purchased by Stud Mictik at an auction in Rio de Janeiro when he was under two years of age, before having raced, as maturity for racing, according to the former owner, is only reached between two and a half and three years of age.

Today, at the age of four, the horse has already won the GP São Paulo and GP Brasil, two other races considered "classics" and the Mossoró Trophy, promoted by ABCPCC, as Best Foal (before reaching the age of four) and Best Runner in 2-Kilometer Plus Races.

Dono da Raia is the offspring of Hibernian Rhapsody and Outra Arrumba, who, before becoming a breeding mare, won the most important mare race in Brazil, Grande Prêmio Diana, at the São Paulo Jockey Club.

The former owner does not know in what categories the horse is going to race from now on, but he believes that the horse will continue racing in Europe and will also participate in Dubai World Cup, one of the most important events in international horseracing. Always under the Maktoum colors.

Dono da Raia was not the first Brazilian animal purchased by the Maktoum family this year. At least another two have followed the same route: foal Tudo Azul, was also sold to Godolphin in September, by Stud Eternamente Rio, from Rio de Janeiro, and Heart Alone, which was purchased early this year by Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, son of the ruler of Dubai. The other two horses are also thoroughbreds.

Heart Alone, different from Dono da Raia, is a "sprinter", as he runs races between 1,000 and 1,200 meters. He belonged to Stud C&T and, according to the former owner, won a race in Dubai in February, which attracted the attention of the buyer.

Anba –


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