metatag Brazil Chicken Export Up 47% - brazzil

Brazil Chicken Export Up 47%

Brazilian exports of chicken for the year from January to October reached US$ 2.145 billion. That is an increase of 47% over the same period in 2003. As for volume, it is up 26% (to 2,034,000 tons this year).

It is now believed that by the end of the year chicken exports will reach 2.4 million tons, with revenue of US$ 2.5 billion (up 25% and 40%, respectively, over 2003).

The biggest buyers of Brazilian chicken are in the Mideast and Asia.

From January to October, exports to the Mideast reached 613,562 tons, up 21.5% (worth US$ 549 million, up 35%).

For Asia, exports reached 519,296 tons (worth US$ 619.8 million, up 84%).

On the other hand, exports to the European Union fell 13%, mainly due to a 75% surtax, which is being disputed by Brazil in a complaint suit at the World Trade Organization.

Chicken exports for the month of October reached 2.4 million tons, up 25% over October 2003.

Agência Brasil
Translator: Allen Bennett


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