metatag Eco-friendly American Company Hired to Support Power Plants in Brazil - brazzil

Eco-friendly American Company Hired to Support Power Plants in Brazil

Ecology and Environment do Brasil (E & E), subsidiary of a company headquartered in Lancaster, New York, was awarded a US$ 1.1 million contract to perform environmental management services in Brazil.

They will be in charge of the environmental side of the construction of five hydroelectric power plants for Brasil PCH, a holding company composed of Petrobras and other stake holders.

The small hydroelectric power plants will provide local energy distribution, while minimizing environmental and social impacts.  The power plants are part of the Brazilian Incentive Program for Alternative Sources of Energy which contributes to the development of clean renewable energy.

Within the next two years, approximately 50 environmental mitigation plans will be generated.  E & E do Brasil will oversee the implementation of the construction and mitigation programs and all environmental aspects for Brasil PCH and seek approval in the Brazilian Environment Agency (IBAMA).


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