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Armed Men Kidnap Globo TV Journalists in Brazil

Two armed men kidnapped two journalists from Globo TV network, Brazil’s leading television network, this morning.

Guilherme Portanova, reporter from the show SP-TV and cameraman Alexandre Calado were eating in a bakery in the south zone of São Paulo city, close to the company building, when the kidnapping occurred.

The Globo organization fearing for the life of its employees is being very discreet on the reporting of the incident. In a note announcing the abduction Globo said the kidnapping was feared.
According to another version, the two were taken away when they left the company’s car upon arriving at the TV station’s building.

CBN radio, which is part of the Globo empire, said that the criminals used  a black GM Vectra for the abduction.  The car was later found burned not far from where the kidnapping occurred.

The São Paulo police has already been informed about the abduction, but all they could comment is that "we do not make comments when we have a  kidnapping under way." 

The Official Note:

"Globo TV informs that reporter Guilherme Portanova and technical aide Alexandre Calado were seen at about 8 am in a bakery in the south zone of São Paulo, close to Globo TV’s headquarters. Witnesses said that they were taken by two armed men. The company’s car and equipment were not stolen. The police are looking at the possibility of  a kidnapping.

"The Globo Communication Central will keep the press  informed as soon as it gets more information."


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