metatag Brazil's TAM Profits Grow Over 600% This Year - brazzil

Brazil’s TAM Profits Grow Over 600% This Year

The Brazilian airline TAM had profits of US$ 44.5 million in the second quarter of the year, and of US$ 95.5 million, in the first semester, according to information released by the company.

The value registered in the first six months of the year is 622.6% greater than in the same period in 2005. Up to June, the company’s net assets were of US$ 563.7 million.

In the second quarter, gross revenues reached US$ 825.5 million, an increase in 39.5% in relation to the same quarter in 2005. From January to June, gross revenues totalled US$ 1.6 billion, result 32% greater than last year.

In the semester, the airline company transported 11.6 million passengers, 33.4% more than in the same period in 2005.

TAM flies today to 47 destinations in Brazil and, with commercial agreements with regional companies, reaches a total of 72 locations.


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