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Some of the Brightest Brazilian Minds Debate Brazil’s Risks and Promises

LatinFinance’s respected Brazil Investment Forum will debate and examine the question: ‘Is Brazil really back on track?’ Leading figures and experts in Brazil’s finance, business and politics are lending their voices to the debate.

This year, Bernard Mencier, President of BNP Paribas; Jose Sergio Gabrielli, CEO of Petrobras; Jose Carlos Grubisich, CEO of Braskem; and Richard Frank, CEO of Darby Overseas Investments, will meet in São Paulo to debate Brazil’s ability to weather future external difficulties, the risk of a political shock and whether the new government will be market-friendly and push through long-awaited structural reforms.

The 4th Brazil Investment Forum, organized by LatinFinance, is designed to advance discussion on the opportunities and challenges in Brazil. The forum will be held in São Paulo on August 28 – 29 and will bring together local and international senior-level financial, business and political figures.

Brazil looks as though it is firmly back on track for a period of brisk economic growth. With lofty external surpluses despite a strong real, a falling Brazil risk premium, lively capital inflows supporting booming capital markets, solid initiatives for the reduction of external debt and talk of near imminent investment grade, the outlook has rarely been so positive.

But challenges remain if these successes are to become the platform from which Brazil can leap to a new era of sustainable economic growth and broader prosperity.

"Brazil: Back On Track" aims to examine and explain Brazil’s ongoing success and to place it in a wider context of medium-term challenges. Among the topics to be explored in the forum are: the up coming elections and the implications for pending reforms, the evolution of capital markets, the return of an equity culture and implications for corporate governance, the risks of external shock and Brazil’s resilience, the leading role of the private sector in Brazil, and the long-standing challenge of infrastructure development.

Among confirmed speakers in this leading international investment forum are Constantino de Oliveira Jr., CEO of Gol Linhas Aereas; Bernardo Hees, CEO of ALL-Logí­stica; Dario Epstein, President of Sur Investments; Rômulo Dias, Director of Bradespar; Carlos Kawall, National Treasury Secretary of Brazil; Walter Molano, Partner at BCP Securities; and Sergio Rosa, President, Previ; among others.

The conference agenda can be accessed at


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