metatag Brazil Exports US$ 14 Bi and Imports US$ 8 Bi in July. Two Records. - brazzil

Brazil Exports US$ 14 Bi and Imports US$ 8 Bi in July. Two Records.

Brazilian exports in the month of July were the greatest in history, registering the equivalent to US$ 13.622 billion in sales during the month.

Imports were also the greatest up to now, where the foreign products entering the country registered US$ 7.984 billion.

The difference between sales and purchases resulted in a record surplus of US$ 5.638 billion in July, with an increase of 38.11% in relation to the previous month and of 12.67% compared to July last year.

With this performance, the surplus in the trade balance in the year reached US$ 25.170 billion, which is the equivalent to an increase in 2.07%.

The figures were released today, August 1st, by the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade and show also that exports accumulated in the year add up to US$ 74.522 billion, with an increase in 15.1% in comparison with January to July last year, while imports reached US$ 49.352 billion, an increase in 23.1%.



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