metatag Brazil's Fiocruz Opens Doors and Wallet to Foreign Postdoctoral Researchers - brazzil

Brazil’s Fiocruz Opens Doors and Wallet to Foreign Postdoctoral Researchers

One of Latin America’s largest biomedical research institutes has launched a new grant program to attract foreign postdoctoral researchers.

It is the first time that Brazil’s Fiocruz (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation) has opened its 14-year old fellowship program to foreigners, says Reinaldo Guimarães, the foundation’s vice-president for research and scientific development.

"These fellowships will allow Fiocruz to enhance international cooperation with both developed and developing countries," says Guimarães, who is in charge of the program.

It will offer 106 grants – 96 for junior researchers who have had their doctorate for less than five years (US$ 39,000 per year), and ten grants for researchers holding a doctorate for more than five years (US$ 47,000 per year).

The program is open to researchers working in health sciences, biological sciences and health-related social sciences.

From October, the selected candidates will work at Fiocruz research units, most of which are located in Rio de Janeiro, and at the Institute of Molecular Biology of the State of Paraná, in Curitiba.

Fiocruz was founded in 1900. It has 7,500 employees working on biomedical research and development, health care services, and the production of vaccines, drugs and diagnostics.

The deadline for applications is August 18. For further information, write to

Science and Development Network – SciDev.Net


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