metatag Brazil Makes Close to 250,000 Vehicles in May. A Record. - brazzil

Brazil Makes Close to 250,000 Vehicles in May. A Record.

Vehicle production in Brazil attained 245,179 units in May, an all-time record. The total was 20.1% greater than in April and 10.4% greater than in May, 2005.

The overall increase in production volume so far this year amounts to 6.1% in comparison with the same period last year.

The assembly plants also set new records for the month of May in export revenues. Domestic sales in May constituted the second best performance ever for the month.

Export revenues totaled US$ 1.058 billion, 16.7% more than in April and 10.8% more than in May, 2005. Export revenues so far this year amount to US$ 4.6 billion, 8.6% more than during the same period last year.

In terms of the number of units sold, however, volume, which corresponded to 351,761 units, was stable during the January-May period. Foreign sales amounted to 80,579 vehicles in May, 14.8% more than in April but 3.2% less than in May, 2005.

These data were announced Tuesday, June 6, by the Association of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (ANFAVEA).

Agência Brasil


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