metatag Brazil Gives Small Oil and Gas Companies a Hand - brazzil

Brazil Gives Small Oil and Gas Companies a Hand

To expand the participation of micro and small companies in the PVC, petroleum and natural gas productive chain in the northeastern Brazilian state of Alagoas, next Tuesday, May 30, an agreement will be signed for modification of the Productive Chain Project.

The objective is to increase small company participation in the sector productive chain in a sustainable and competitive manner.

The agreement will be signed between the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae), Petrobras, the Maceió Trade Association, the Federation of Industries of the state of Alagoas, National Service of Industrial Education (Senai) and petrochemical company Braskem, the Federal University of Alagoas, the state government, gas company Algás, the Bank of the Northeast and the Federal Technological Education Center, among others.

In one year, these institutions have invested approximately US$ 170,000 and, up to the end of 2007, should invest another US$ 550,000.

Among the actions forecasted are the guidance and training of micro and small companies, access to lines of credit, the opening of new markets and the sponsoring of implementation of management systems integrating quality, health, safety and environment, among others.

In just one year, the growth in the volume of contracts established between micro and small companies and larger ones totaled 40%. The increase in sales volume and revenues was 33.6%.



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