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BahiaExport, a Portal for Those Willing to Buy Brazil

Industry Utiara, from São Gonçalo dos Campos, in the state of Bahia, in northeastern Brazil, wants to win the Arab market with pulp, juice and concentrates of fruit like oranges, passion fruit, papaya, acerola, mango, guava, pineapple, soursop and cocoa and of typical northern and northeaster fruit like cajá and umbu.

Last year the company sold 20 tons of orange juice to the United Arab Emirates. This year, the producer wants to prospect the remaining countries of the Middle East and North Africa.

"We know of the great potential of the Arab market, especially for fruit pulp. We have great interest in exporting to the region, especially if the sales are direct," stated the company sales director Luiz Carvalho.

"We may ship frozen samples of pulp of various fruit. We are only waiting for importers to identify what kind of fruit would be preferred," explained Carvalho.

Utiara, established in 1980, produces and distributes frozen fruit and pulp under brand Multi-Vita through distributors and supermarket chains all around the country and exports to Europe, the United States, the Caribbean and Australia. The factory is located 110 kilometers west of Salvador, the state capital.

According to Carvalho, the location for the factory is privileged as it is in the center of the largest citric and northeastern fruit production region, guaranteeing supply of raw material all year round.

"Our proximity with the port of Salvador also guarantees great ease in the distribution of our product to all markets," stated the director.


Utiara is one of the companies registered in portal BahiaExport, whose objective is to promote the industry and trade of the state of Bahia and improve relations with state exporters, potential importers around the world and buyers in other Brazilian states.

"On promoting the main products of the state of Bahia and its competitive potential on the foreign market, the portal spreads the export culture," stated the sales director at Utiara.

BahiaExport brings together information about export in articles, news and studies about sectors, supplying the demand of companies that already export and supplying information to those who have not yet launched themselves on the foreign market, guaranteeing updated information about the main news in the state of Bahia, in Brazil and abroad.

The portal also makes available various tools for the promotion of business, like Vitrine Virtual (Virtual Window), where visitors have access to photographs, catalogues and detailed information about products offered for export, making it possible to start on-line negotiations.

For exporters, this area represents a great opportunity for promotion of companies and products, as well, of course, for the closing of business.


Telephone: (+75) 3616-9400


Anba –


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