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Brazil Gets Biodiesel Tractor

Vehicle maker Agrale has sold its first biodiesel powered vehicle in Brazil, the Agrale 4100.4 Biodiesel, in its 4000 line.

The vehicle was purchased by farmer Aristides Antônio Cavagnolli, in the city of Coronel Pilar, in the region of the Valley of the Wineries, in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.

The farmer works in grape farming and produces around 140,000 kilograms of grapes per year on five hectares. The 4000 tractor line was developed to operate on diesel or biodiesel. Biodiesel is a fuel produced from vegetable oils.

The Agrale machine was developed to operate with mineral diesel and a 5% mixture of vegetable oil, which can be made among other things of soy, dendê and castor oil.

Agrale has been a leader in the small tractor sector, up to 40 hp, for over 30 years. For the last 40 years, the company has been producing models turned to family farming and small properties.



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