metatag Brazil and India Will Allow Diplomats' Relatives to Work in Hosting Country - brazzil

Brazil and India Will Allow Diplomats’ Relatives to Work in Hosting Country

Brazil and India signed three bilateral agreements Thursday, February 2, according to the Indian vice-chancellor, Anan Sharma. Sharma participated in a two-day encounter between Brazilian and Indian representatives.

She participated in the second meeting of the Brazil-India Joint Commission on Political, Economic, Scientific, Technological, and Cultural Cooperation, in Brazilian capital Brasí­lia.

Two of the agreements, in the field of education, are aimed at establishing more cultural ties between the two countries. The idea, Sharma explained, is to enable Brazilian and Indian youths to exchange information about the two countries’ history and culture.

The third agreement, in the diplomatic area, is intended to make it easier for dependents of diplomatic representatives to exercise gainful activities.

In a press interview the chancellor underscored that relations between Brazil and India are promising and that the Indian government has a great interest in establishing other agreements with Brazil, especially in the spheres of agriculture, health, and energy.

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva visited India in January, 2004, as a special guest of the Indian government, and participated in the Republic Day ceremonies.

Trade relations between the two countries have intensified in recent years. In 2005, according to the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations, bilateral trade between Brazil and India broke the US$ 2 billion barrier.

Agência Brasil


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