metatag Brazil's Pelí© and Gil Kick Off Culture Cup in Germany - brazzil

Brazil’s Pelí© and Gil Kick Off Culture Cup in Germany

The Brazilian Minister of Culture and celebrated composer, Gilberto Gil, and soccer legend Pelé launched the Culture Cup this Thursday, December 8, in Berlin, Germany.

The program envisages cultural exchanges between Brazil and Germany throughout the year of 2006, when the World Soccer Cup is going to be held in Germany.

The inauguration ceremony will take place in the World Culture House (HKW), a German institution with which the Ministry of Culture plans to sign a cooperation agreement to promote these activities.

In the period between May 25 and July 9 of next year the German public will be exposed to a panorama of contemporary Brazilian culture, with an emphasis on quality and diversity.

In Leipzig, in the Bildenden Künst Museum, Gil and Pelé also gave an interview. They were joined by the Minister of Culture of Saxony, Barbara Ludwig. They were also able to watch a showing of the film, "Forever Pelé," by Anibal Massaini.

This Friday, December 9, in Leipzig, Germany, Gil and Pelé will take part in the drawing of the World Cup elimination groups. The coach of the Brazilian national team, Carlos Alberto Parreira, will also be there.



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