metatag Brazil Gets an A for Scientific Information Access - brazzil

Brazil Gets an A for Scientific Information Access

Representatives of Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Chile and the United States are meeting today in BrasÀ­lia for the First International Conference on Access to Scientific and Technological Information.

The conference will evaluate Brazilian progress in this area through its Periodical Portal at the country’s Coordination of University-Level Personnel Improvement (Capes).

Members of the academic community and publishing business will discuss the use of the Capes portal data base, which has copies of the world’s most important scientific periodicals [at: www.]

Capes president, Jorge Guimarães, says the portal is a tool that levels the playing field, reducing regional differences by offering the complete texts of 9,527 periodicals to 163 registered institutions of higher learning and research.

The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) has officially recognized it for its excellence.



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