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Brazilian Congress Will Hear from Finance Minister on Corruption Probe

The chairman of Brazil’s Bingo Parliamentary Investigative Commission (CPI), Efraim Morais (PFL party from Paraí­ba state), reports that an understanding has been reached with Minister of Finance, Antonio Palocci, making it possible for him to testify before the CPI.

"We are working on a date that is convenient to both the Minister and the CPI," said Morais. "For the CPI the date should be before December 10, when Congress goes into recess."

Palocci’s appearance before the commission involved complex negotiations. The main sticking point was if the Minister should be "convoked" or "invited" to testify. That was resolved when Palocci decided that he would testify because he wanted to.

However, Morais says he must sign an agreement permitting his declarations to be used in court if there are any future criminal proceedings.

The Bingo CPI will question Palocci about charges of corruption in the city of Ribeirão Preto when he was the mayor.



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