250,000 Brazilians Sign Petition Calling for Morality in Politics

The Brazilian movement From Indignation to Action presented a document, Wednesday, October 26, containing 250,000 signatures to the president of the Federal Election Board (TSE), Minister Carlos Velloso, calling for political/electoral morality in Brazil.

The document and the signatures, affixed by ordinary citizens, will also be turned over to the Pro-Congress Movement, made up of deputies and senators who espouse ethics in politics.

The commission that will deliver the document to government officials is presided by the lawyer and former Minister of Justice, Miguel Reale Júnior; the president of the Justice and Peace Commission of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB), Chico Whitaker; and the professor of Criminal Law at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), René Ariel Dotti.

The From Indignation to Action movement includes jurists, lawyers, university professors, psychoanalysts, physicians, intellectuals, representatives of the Public Defense Ministry, neighborhood associations, and cooperatives, among others.



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