Brazil’s Unemployment Rate Remains at 9.4%

Brazil’s Ministry of Labor has just released its August employment survey which shows that 135,460 new jobs (registered jobs in the formal labor market) were created. That is up from 117,473 new jobs in July.

The survey found that jobs were created in services, commerce and construction, while they were lost in the agribusiness sector. From January to August, more than 1.2 million new jobs have been created.

Data released today by the IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatí­stica – Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) show that the unemployment rate in six metropolitans regions of Brazil has remained stable in August, at 9.4%. This rate has been the same since June.

The Lula administration, is search of good news, also announced that the government’s youth inclusion program (Programa Nacional de Inclusão de Jovens) (ProJovem) could double and reach as many as 400,000 youths next year. This information was given by the secretary general of the Presidency, Minister Luiz Dulci.

Projovem, says the government note, is an innovative project which works with youths between the ages of 18 and 24 who have only completed up to the fourth grade.

First, it allows them to complete their elementary schooling in a year. Second, at the same time, they get professional training for the job market. And finally, during this period they receive monthly assistance of slightly more than US$ 43 (100 reais).

“These youths are candidates for the government’s First Job program. But in order for them to get a first job they have to be able to dispute a place in the labor market. That is what we are doing – preparing them,” explained Dulci.



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