Brazil Gets a 4 for Corruption. Worse than Botswana, But Better than Haiti.

Chile, Uruguay and Costa Rica figure with the best qualifications among Latinamerican countries in a list regarding corruption, which was considered in the Fourth Global Forum on Fighting Corruption held in BrasÀ­lia, the Brazilian capital.

The one to ten points in the corruption perception list has Chile with seven points, Uruguay with six and Costa Rica with five.

Top of the list with maximum points according to Tina Soreide from the Norwegian Research Institute are Denmark, Finland, Iceland and New Zealand.

With nine points, Australia, Canada, Holland, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom followed by Austria, Belgium, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg and United States with eight points.

Barbados, Chile, France, Japan, Malta and Spain have seven points; Uruguay, Bahrain, Botswana, Estonia, Israel, Oman, Portugal, Slovenia, Taiwan and Arab Emirates figure with six; South Africa, Italy and South Korea with five.

Four points for Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Suriname and Trinidad Tobago; three points for Nicaragua and Dominican Republic.

Finally with two figure Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Paraguay and Venezuela.

The index is constructed on opinion polls considering the “corruption perception” of investors in different countries and who based on the information decide whether of invest or not.

Mercopress –


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