metatag Brazil's Industrial Production Slows Down - brazzil

Brazil’s Industrial Production Slows Down

Brazilian industrial production remained stable in April when compared to March, but increase 6.3% when compared to April 2004, as informed today the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

The Monthly Industrial Survey shows that the stability of the industrial activity in March and April reflects equilibrium, because ten sectors expanded production while 12 showed production decrease.

From January to April, the country’s industrial production accumulated a 4.5% high, and in the last 12 months, 7.5% (keeping March’s rhythm, when accumulated high was 7.6%).

Industries that had production increase include food products (3.5%), extraction (7.4%), vehicles (3.2%), and electronic material and communications equipment (4.9%).

Main negative pressures came from machinery and equipment sectors (-4.0%), pharmaceuticals (-6.2%), metal products (-4.7%), and beverages (-5.1%).



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