metatag Brazil Expects Rich Nations Will Keep Their Promises to Haiti - brazzil

Brazil Expects Rich Nations Will Keep Their Promises to Haiti

Brazilian Minister of Foreign Relations, Celso Amorim, affirmed that “the problems faced by Haiti” present the American continent with a particularly tragic situation. Therefore, he said, “Haiti continues to require our active solidarity.”

Amorim made this statement, today, during the first plenary session of the 35th Geral Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), in the city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

He recognized the effort that Brazil and other Latin American countries have made “with dedication and a spirit of sacrifice and solidarity” in Haiti.

“The commitment of Brazil – and many other Latin American nations that also sent troops – is based on the expectation that the promises and offers of assistance made by the international community will be effectuated,” he informed.

“If these promises of help do not materialize, the frustration of the Haitian people will increase, and the very sense of our presence in that country will be compromised.”

Haiti is the poorest country in Central America and has experienced political instability since its independence in 1804.

In February, 2004, the then President, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, left the country and went into exile in South Africa. The president of the Supreme Court, Boniface Alexandre, assumed the presidency on an interim basis.

At that juncture, the United Nations (UN) was asked to support the political transition and maintain the country’s internal security.

A peace mission was formed for the stabilization of Haiti, with the presence of Brazil, Argentina, Benin, Bolivia, Canada, Chad, Chile, Croatia, France, Jordan, and Nepal.

Agência Brasil


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