metatag Brazil's Northeast to Get 7 Mini Cashew Processing Factories - brazzil

Brazil’s Northeast to Get 7 Mini Cashew Processing Factories

Before August seven mini factories for processing cashew nuts will begin operations in the northeastern Brazilian state of Ceará, according to information disclosed by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (Sebrae) News Agency. Six of the factories are new, and one is reformed.

Each unit will have the capacity to process 208 tons annually. The sales of what is produced will be in charge of the Cashew Agro-industrial Cooperative (Cooperativa Agroindustrial do Caju, Copacaju), which will also start its activities as of the second semester this year.

The mini factories will operate in the cities of Aquiraz, Aracti, Barreira, Granja, Ocara and Tucuru. The cooperative will be based in the city of Pacajus. The aim is to make the factories revitalize the regional economy.

Each unit will offer from 35 to 40 direct work posts, as well as 140 indirect. The investment for the physical structure and equipment varies between US$ 40,500 and US$ 48,600 and will be made through the Bank of Brazil Foundation (Fundação Banco do Brasil, FBB).

The Sebrae is participating in the project with technical support in organizing the producers, which has already resulted in the formation of the Copacaju.



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