metatag Brazil Uses Satellite to Track Amazon Deforestation - brazzil

Brazil Uses Satellite to Track Amazon Deforestation

Brazil’s National Environment Protection Agency (Ibama) announced measures to control lumbering activities in Brazil, especially in the Amazon region.

A system to track logs by satellite, and to issue via Internet the Declaration of Forestal Origin (DOF), a type of “wood receipt,” will be used.

Satellite tracking is already being tested in Amazonas and Pará, states with high indices of illegal deforestation. The system will cross data between the amount of authorized logs and the amount of logs effectively transported by lumberers.

According to the Ibama, mobile communication terminals will be installed on trucks transporting logs (belonging either to loggers or hired companies) and on places where logs are loaded/unloaded.

The entity wants to warrant legal wood extraction in the Amazon. According to the Director of Forests of Ibama, Antonio Hummel, the measure represents an important quality leap for the preservation and protection of the Amazon forest.

Ibama also announced the launching of the Shared System on Environmental Licensing in Rural Properties (Siscom), through which Ibama and states will share data about reservation and preservation areas, in order to avoid irregular wood extraction and transportation.

Agência Brasil


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