metatag Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies - brazzil

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

By Brazzil Magazine


movies &

best-seller books



O Carteiro e o Poeta (The Mailman and the Poet) — Written
by Antonio Skármeta and directed by Aderbal Freire-Filho. With Rogério
Fróes and Marcos Winter. The story about the imaginary friendship
between Chilean poet Pablo Neruda and the mailman who delivered his mail
when Neruda was in exile in Spain.

Como Encher um Biquíni Selvagem (How to Fill Up
a Wild Bikini) — A comic view of loneliness in the big city. Boy wonder
Miguel Falabella wrote and directs. Starring Cláudia Jimenez.

A Dama do Cerrado (The Savannah Lady) — Written by Mauro
Rasi, Brazil’s most successful playwright at the moment. A comedy about
a woman who decides to tell her hairdresser about her secret lover, a politician,
and what happens after the revelation. Starring Suzana Vieira and Otávio

Ninguém Me Ama, Ninguém Me Quer, Ninguém
Me Chama de Baudelaire
(Nobody Loves Me, Nobody Wants Me, Nobody
Calls Me Baudelaire ) — Written and starred by Ivan de Albuquerque.
With participation of Leyla Ribeiro and Lúcio Mário Filho.
While getting ready to present a conference on Vampirism, a group of college
students is visited by vampires.

São Paulo

Bar Doce Bar (Bar Sweet Bar) — Musical Comedy. A group
of friends discuss and sing their lives under the watchful eye of a caring
waiter. Written by Luís Alberto de Abreu, directed by Ednaldo Freire.
Aldo Avilez, Fernando Petelinkar and Tico d’Godoy star.

Corpo a Corpo (Clinch) — Adman has an existential crisis
in a world a little too competitive for his taste. Oduvaldo Viana Filho
wrote. Directed by Eduardo Tolentino de Araújo. With Zé-Carlos

Trair e Coçar… É Só Começar (To
Betray and to Scratch… All you Have to Do Is Start) — The adventures
of a bumbling maid. Starring Clarisse Derzie and Roberto Pirillo. Written
by Marcos Caruso, directed by Attílio Riccó.

Vacalhau & Binho — Sketches based on Zé Fidelis,
an old-guard radio comedian. Carlos Alberto Soffredini wrote, adapted and


American films just released: The English Patient (O Paciente
Inglês), Spitfire Grill (Spitfire Grill, o Recomeço), Star
Trek: First Contact (Jornada nas Estrelas: Primeiro Contato), She’s the
One (Nosso Tipo de Mulher), Jerry Maguire (Jerry Maguire: A Grande Virada),
Mars Attacks (Marte Ataca), Crash (Crash – Estranhos Prazeres), Curdled
(Eles Matam e Nós Limpamos), Sleepers (Sleepers: A Vingança
Adormecida), Surviving Picasso (Os Amores de Picasso), Space Truckers (Piratas
do Espaço), American Buffalo (American Buffalo), Scream (Pânico),
Heavy (Paixão Muda), Hype! (Hype), The Ghost and the Darkness (A
Sombra e a Escuridão), That Thing You Do (The Wonders: O Sonho Não
Acabou), The Quiet Room (Alma Silenciosa), I Shot Andy Warhol (Um Tiro
para Andy Warhol), Kazaam (Kazaam), Matilda (Matilda), Flipper (Flipper)

Beautiful Thing (Delicada Atração) — England
— 1996 — A couple of adolescents (both are 16) fall in love and decide
to face the music and fight their families for their right to live together.
By Hetti MacDonald with Linda Henry and Scott Neal.

Corisco e Dadá (Corisco and Dadá) — Brazil
— 1996 — The story happen in Bahia in 1927. Cangaceiro (backlands
outlaw) Corisco kidnap Dadá who is still a child. She will grow
up to love him and to be a real cangaceira herself. Directed by
Rosemberg Cariry with Chico Diaz, Dira Paes, Antônio Leite and Regina

Crede-Mi (Believe Me) — Brazil — 1996 — Experimental film
with Northern backlands people playing Thomas Mann’s The Elect.
Directed by Bia Lessa and Dany Roland.

Pequeno Dicionário Amoroso (Little Love Dictionary)
— Brazil — 1996 — A chance meeting between two youngsters develops into
a torrid love story. Directed by Sandra Werneck with Andréa Beltrão,
Daniel Dantas, and Tony Ramos.

Salam Cinema (Salve o Cinema) — Iran — 1995 — The big
commotion provoked by a casting call when 5,000 people show up willing
to play a role. Directed by Mohsen Makhmalbat. With Azadeh Zangeneh, Marvan
Keyhan, and Feizolah Ghashghai.

Trois Vies et une Seule Mort (Três Vidas e uma Só
Morte) — France/Portugal — 1996 — Marcello Mastroianni interprets three
roles, that of a salesman, an Anthropology professor, and a businessman.
Directed by Raoul Ruiz.



1. O Mundo de Sofia

Jostein Gaarder

2. Cinco Dias em Paris

Danielle Steel

3. A Comédia da Vida Privada

Luís Fernando Veríssimo

4. Novas Comédias da Vida Privada

Luís Fernando Veríssimo

5. Mas Será o Benedito?

Mário Prata

6. O Homem que Calculava

Malba Tahan

7. O Xangô de Baker Street

Jô Soares

8. Ponto de Fuga

Morris West

9. Cruzando o Paraíso

Sam Shepard

10. Legítima Defesa

Jonathan Kellerman


1. O Princípio Dilbert

Scott Adams

2. Chic — Um Guia Básico de Moda e Estilo

Glória Kalil

3. Notícia de um Seqüestro

Gabriel García Márquez

4. Crônicas de Repórter

Pedro Bial

5. João Saldanha

João Máximo

6. Conexão Manhattan

Lucas Mendes

7. Antônio Carlos Jobim — Um Homem Iluminado

Helena Jobim

8. O Rio do Meio

Lya Luft

9. Vislumbre da Índia

Octavio Paz

10. Vinhos para Leigos

Ed McCarthy/Mary E. Mulligan

Self-Help/New Age

1. Inteligência Emocional

Daniel Goleman

2. A Profecia Celestina

James Redfield

3. O Monte Cinco

Paulo Coelho

4. A Inteligência Emocional e a Arte de Educar Nossos Filhos

John Gottman e Joan DeClaire

5. Almas Gêmeas

Mônica Buonfiglio

6. A Cura Através da Terapia de Vidas Passadas

Brian L. Weiss

7. As Sete Leis Espirituais do Sucesso

Deepak Chopra

8. A Décima Profecia

James Redfield

9. Muitas Vidas, Muitos Mestres

Brian L. Weiss

10. Sem Medo de Viver

Zibia Gasparetto

According to weekly

newsmagazine Veja

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