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Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

All the dirty words you knew existed, but didn’t know where to find.

How to Cuss in "Brazilian"

Hold your horses. Don’t tell you haven’t been warned. You are
entering real-life territory. These are words that Americans and Brazilians use in their
everyday conversation, but that most dictionaries and the so-called family press can never
find space to print them. This is not an article for polite company. If you don’t want to
get burned please keep off the locker room, the ladies room, the bedroom, the kitchen and
of these next few lines.
By Brazzil Magazine

movies &
best-seller books



Céus (Heavens)—Comedy. How youngster from the 90s see life, death
and love. Written by Patrícia Lopes and directed by Evandro Mesquita with Patrícia Lopes
and Daniela Fortes. Teatro Rubens Correa.

Clarice – Coração Selvagem (Clarice, Wild Heart)—A
documentary-like story on writer Clarice Lispector’s life and work. Written and directed
by Maria Lucya de Lima with Aracy Balabanian, Marcelo Escorel, and Laura Arantes. Teatro
da Casa da Gávea.

Mar Negro (Black Sea)—Drama. How hard is for men to understand
women’s thoughts and desires. Directed by Alexandre Mello with Ana Luíza Cunha. Based on
French author Marguerite Duras. Teatro da Cidade.

Os Mistérios do Sexo (The Mysteries of Sex)—Comedy. The funny
conflicts of a mother raising a son as a girl. Directed by Luís Carlos
Niño with Ilva Niño and Fábio Mássimo. Teatro Sesc de Copacabana.

(Passions)—Drama. Adaptation of love stories by Brazil’s greatest
writer, Machado de Assis. Directed by Sidney Cruz with Carlos Emílio and Loly Nunes.
Teatro do Museu da República.

Somos Irmãs (We’re Sisters)—Musical. The life story of legendary
singing sisters Linda and Dircinha Batista. Written by Sandra Louzada, directed Ney
Matogrosso and Cininha de Paula. Suely Franco and Nicette Bruno star. Teatro 1 do CCBB


Cabaret Brazil—Musical. A black family survives in the ’50s owning a
cabaret. Written and directed by Wolf Maia and Cininha de Paula. With Danielle Winits,
Adriana Garambone, and Rosa Marya Colin. Teatro Studium.

Deus (God)—Comedy. In the old Greece, playwright Themistocles and
actor Pericles search for a good ending for the tragedy they are rehearsing. Written by
Woody Allen. Directed by Mauro Mendonça Filho with Amir Haddad and Murilo Benício.
Teatro Hilton.

Diário de um Louco (Diary of a Crazy Man)—Monologue by Nikolai
Gogol. A solitary and distressed man has his old notebook as his only companion. Directed
by Marcus Alvisi with Diogo Vilela. Teatro Cultura Artística.

Toda Nudez Será Castigada (All Nudity Will Be Punished)—Tragedy.
Nélson Rodrigues’s masterpiece about a prostitute who marries a widower and goes live
with his family. Directed by Moacyr Góes with Marília Pêra, Walter Breda, André Valli,
and Leon Góes. Teatro Alfa Real.


American films just released: I Know What You Did Last Summer (Eu Sei o que
Vocês Fizeram no Verão Passado), Fallen (Possuídos), Jackie Brown (Jackie Brown), The
Man in the Iron Mask (O Homem da Máscara de Ferro), Midnight in the Garden of Good and
Evil (Meia-Noite no Jardim do Bem e do Mal), Oscar and Lucinda (Oscar e Lucinda), Red
corner (Justiça Vermelha), U.S. Marshals ( U.S. Marshals: Os Federais), Wag the dog (Mera

Bocage, o Triunfo do Amor (Bocage, the Triumph of
Love)—Brazil-Portugal/1996—By Djalma Limongi Batista. With Victor Wagner,
Francisco Farinelli, and Viétia Rocha. Sonnets and erotic poems of Portuguese author
Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage (1765-1805) are set to film with images from Brazil and

Central do Brasil (Central Station)—Brazil/1998—By
Walter Salles. Drama with Fernanda Montenegro, Vinícius de Oliveira and Marília Pêra.
Unscrupulous Dora changes her life when she decides to go looking for the father of a boy
who loses his mother.

Como Ser Solteiro (How to Be a Single Man)—Brazil/1997—By
Rosane Svartman. With Rosana Garcia, Ernesto Piccolo, Heitor Martinez Mello, and Marcos
Palmeira. Comedy. Four interconnected stories happening in Rio de Janeiro.

For Ever Mozart (Para Sempre Mozart)—France-Switzerland/1996—By
Jean-Luc Godard. With Madeleine Assas, Ghalia Lacroix and Bérangére Allaux. Four films
in one. A director has a problem with the actors when he starts the shooting.

Shooting Fish (Atirando em Peixes)—England/1997—Comedy by
Stefan Schwartz. Dylan and Jez have no modest dream. They want to save more than one
million dollars to buy themselves a mansion. With Kathe Beckinsale, Dan Futteman and
Stuart Townsend.

The Full Monty (Ou Tudo ou Nada)—England/1996— by Peter
Cattaneo with Robert Carlyle, William Snape, and Steve Hudson. Comedy. Out of work, a
group of men start a strip-tease joint.

Généalogies d’un Crime (Genealogias de um Crime)—France/1996—By
Raoul Ruiz. With Catherine Deneuve, Michel Piccoli, and Melvil Poupaud. Drama. A youngster
is on trial for having killed his aunt who was a child psychoanalyst.

Junk Mail (Junk mail)—Norway/1996— By Pal Sletaune. With Robert
Skjürstad, Andrine Sther and Per Egil Aske. Sex, robbery, and murder in a story between a
postman and a woman who forgets the house keys in her P.O. Box.

Ma vie en rose (Minha Vida em Cor de Rosa)
Belgium-France-England/1997—by Alain Berliner with Michele Laroque, Georges du
Fresne, and Jean-Philippe Ecoffey. Drama. Parents do not know what to do when their son
starts acting like a girl.


1 Advogado do Diabo, Andrew Neiderman. Record, 304 p. R$25.

2 O Plano Perfeito, Sidney Sheldon. Record, 300 p. R$25.

3 A Senhora de Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley. Rocco, 504 p. R$28.

4 O Mundo de Sofia, Jostein Gaarder. Companhia das Letras, 555 p.

5 O Júri, John Grisham. Rocco, 504 p. R$28.

6 A Águia e a Galinha, Leonardo Boff. Vozes, 206 p. R$16.

7 Cada Um Por Si – Titanic, Beryl Bainbridge. Companhia das Letras, 226
p. R$19.

8 O Enigma de Andrômeda, Michael Crichton. Rocco, 308 p. R$28.

9 O Feitiço da Ilha do Pavão, João Ubaldo Ribeiro. Nova Fronteira 324
p. R$24.

10 Todos os Nomes, José Saramago. Companhia das Letras, 280 p. R$20.


1 Leonardo Dicaprio – O Romeu Moderno, Grace Catalano. Manoel, 120 p.

2 O Lado Negro de Camelot, Seymour Hersh. L&PM, 510 p. R$29.

3 As Melhores Piadas do Planeta e da Casseta, Casseta e Planeta.
Objetiva, 128 p. R$10.

4 No Ar Rarefeito, Jon Krakauer. Companhia das Letras, 280 p. R$23.

5 O Sucesso É Ser Feliz, Roberto Shinyashiki. Gente, 198 p. R$20.

6 As Sete Leis Espirituais do Sucesso, Deepak Chopra. Best Seller, 104 p.

7 A Longevidade do Cérebro, Dharma Sing Khalsa. Objetiva, 464 p. R$29.

8 Inteligência Emocional, Daniel Goleman. Objetiva, 376 p. R$34,50.

9 Conversando com os Espíritos, James Van Praagh. Salamandra, 224 p.

10 Nova York É Aqui, Nelson Motta. Objetiva, 218 p. R$21,80. 


1 Violetas na Janela, Vera Lúcia M. de Carvalho. Petit, 139 p. R$9,50.

2 O Homem Que Calculava, Malba Tahan. Record, 218 p. R$19.

3 O Livro das Virtudes Para Crianças, William J. Bennett. Nova
Fronteira, 112 p. R$19.

4 O Pequeno Príncipe, Antoine Saint-Exupéry. Agir, 92 p. R$13.

5 Uma Professora Muito Maluquinha, Ziraldo. Melhoramentos, 124 p.

According to Jornal do Brasil

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