metatag Lula's Popularity Falls 6% in Brazil - brazzil

Lula’s Popularity Falls 6% in Brazil

The 75th survey of Brazil’s National Confederation of Transport (CNT) and the Sensus Institute (CNT/Sensus) released yesterday indicates that the positive evaluation of the Lula administration remained stable. The research also indicates, however, that approval of President’s personal performance fell.

Compared to the previous survey of February 2005, the government obtained approval of 41.9% of interviewees against 42.9% in the beginning of the year. Negative ratings rose from 13.9% to 16.0%.

President Lula’s personal performance evaluation, in turn, fell from 66.1% measured in February to 60.1%. The disapproval index reached 29.0%.

The survey also indicates that 31.7% of those interviewed have followed or know about Brazilian government’s decision of not renewing the arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), announced March 28th.

Of this total, 56.3% said that the decision was positive for the country, against 24.8% who believe it was negative.

When the subject is abortion, the research says that in spite of their support to family planning and to the use of contraceptive methods, the majority of the population is against abortion (85.0%), while 12.3% favor the practice. The majority is also against abortions in cases of sexual violence: 49.5%, while 43.5% favor the measure.

The survey heard two thousand people in 24 states in the five regions of Brazil, from April 12-14. The margin of error is three percentage points.

Agência Brasil


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