metatag LETTERS - brazzil



Yes, there are prosperous and even rich Brazilian blacks. And they
are not just the successful soccer players and musicians. There are actually millions of
them, working as lawyers, doctors, executives and businessmen, making up one third of the
Brazilian middle class.
By Brazzil Magazine

First of all, I would like to tell you guys that your layout is terrible. You can still
do good stuff in a black and white edition. Hire a better graphic designer. One example is
that terrible and deceiving article on Antônio Carlos Magalhães. The title in black over
the black and white picture is almost unreadable (even though the title is not worth

I’m also writing to express my indignity (sic!) with that same article. Alessandra
Dalevi should at least have done some research about the Brazilian political history,
before writing that stupid article. Of course she can admire ACM, but as a professional
she should focus on telling the truth and not participating in such farce. I suggest you
to read more, Mrs. Dalevi. The books from Thomas Skidmore would be a good. Maybe next time
you do a better job.

Andréa Augusto
Via Internet


By the writing of your article on Brazil’s Indians you have just admitted three things:

1. You have never been in the Amazon forest or met with any Indians who live there.

2. You are extremely uneducated in the field of anthropology.

3. You are a sad, pathetic man who, since his own world is shit, wants to destroy the
world of others since they might have a better one.

Robert Farnsworth
Via Internet


I would just like to say that I saw the movie Central Station and immediately
had the urge to find out everything I could about Brazil. I’ve been browsing the Internet
the whole day and then came across your Website. What a find! The articles are fantastic.
I’ve been reading all your back issues. The economics and culture of Brazil are amazing.
I’ve learnt so much. Keep up the good work!

Aruana Zeelie
Cape Town, South Africa

Will Do

I’m very proud to be a subscriber for the Brazzil Magazine. I like it very
much, the articles are very well written and with a very cultural content. It’s amazing
how you guys are carrying on with this magazine for so long time and just with volunteer
help (I think). My subscription finishes this month and I need to know how to fill out the
check, in order of whom? I’m leaving for vacation next week, so how late can I mail you
the check?

Marcos Marcancola
Via Internet


Dear Ms. Daniella Thompson,

Just read your article "Rio When It Drizzles" in the June issue of Brazzil.
It left me with that funny up/downy feeling you get when some friend mentions the name of
an old love. Ah… I, too, was an honorary Carioca for 11 glorious years; from my
innocent 20 years to a very knowledgeable 31. The Golden Years, the Cariocas call it
now—from the last years of Getúlio’s dictatorship to Castelo Branco’s uncertain
government. That’s when the family said, "Enough." We left Brazil to start life
anew in Canada, Brazil’s economy being what it was at that time. But one never forgets.
Your humorous yet so keen observations of things Carioca, with all their foibles
and fallacies, really hit the nail on the head! The Santa Tereza part I relished most, as
that section of the city holds a special tenderness in my memories—a certain someone
used to live there. Anyway, I am just comfortably retired in Los Angeles and I think it’s
high time for another look at Brazil and helping celebrate the year 2000 there. This
e-mail is expressly to thank you for evoking those many ghosts that still linger
faithfully after all these years.

Bless you for sharing your love for that impossible and frustrating Cidade Maravilhosa.
It really is! But don’t ask me to explain it. You do it so darn well. Another soul lost in

Alberto DeMello
Los Angeles, CA

Note 2

Bom dia, seu David De Hilster. I just finished reading your article, "Samba
Web," in the April issue of Brazzil magazine. (And I’m so sorry for myself to
have to procrastinate to read it until now…!)

I think you did a wonderful job on both establishing the Samba Web as well as reviving
your experience in your article. I am so proud of you and your job. As I was reading it, I
can almost feel the shiver, thrill, and even the air temperature (and your sweat!) that
you must have experienced.

It was great. As I am a fairly new local student (and a sambista-wannabe) in San
Francisco, both financially (and my limited talent-wise) struggling to learn Brazilian
percussion and dance, your article was a great inspiration to me. I wish, from the bottom
of my heart, that I could join the Rio 2000 Carnaval… But at this point, it doesn’t seem
realistic financially….

David, please, please, pleeeease, come up with another article when the big thing is
over, will you promise? Anyway, it’s good to know that someone as enthusiastic as I am
does exist. If you ever come to visit here in San Francisco, please call me. I’ll
be more than delighted to meet you.

Muito obrigada! With a ton of respect,

Yoko Balsiger
San Francisco, California

Note 3

Hello, Bruce Gilman. You’ve played a large part in my appreciation of Brazilian music
through your writing. Thanks for helping me discover this amazing music and country.

Erin Flanagan
Via Internet

Note 4

Dear Bruce Gilman, my compliments on an excellent article on Hélio Alves in Brazzil.
I’ve been debating on whether to buy the CD as I’m trying (unsuccessfully) to cut back on
my buying. But your article convinced me that I need to get this one. I worked with Nilson
last night and gave him my copy of the magazine as the article has a lot of nice things to
say about him. All the best,

Joe Carter
Via Internet

We Make

It has come to my attention that your article on Barão de Itararé starts by a
historical flaw: the anecdote about the medical examination which ends with the totally
bald patient actually happened not to Torelly but to Francisco de Paula Ney, one of the
most brilliant Brazilian intellectuals of the 19th century.

Mario d’Alcantara
Via Internet


I am trying to locate the web address of the Rio de Janeiro telephone directory. I have
used the following web address to locate many relatives in São Paulo:

I saw on your Website that Rio also had such a web address but I was unable to locate
it. I have been researching this family, Demaret, originally of St. Mary Parish,
Louisiana, for over 30 years. In that time I have documented over 5,000 descendants of
this family. And just last year I was able to locate those relatives who left the U.S. for
Brazil after the Civil War. I have just recently translated my Demaret Family Book into
Portuguese and plan to distribute copies to each family member at the Confederado reunion
in Americana next April. That should be an interesting story in itself. Thank you for your
cooperation and assistance. Abraços,

Robert Hicks
Austin, Texas


I’m a freelance journalist. I was in Brazil recently, where I was covering a story
about a disarmament campaign in Rio de Janeiro organized by a group called Viva Rio. The
story appeared in the San Francisco Bay Guardian a few weeks ago, but I was wondering if
you might be interested in including it on your Website. I also have access to some great
photographs of the campaign which were taken by a friend of mine who is a professional
photographer. Do let me know if you are interested and many thanks,

Robin Pagnamenta
San Francisco, California


Thank you so much for your web site. I am a "Brazil Lover" and this site
fills the need for news and information about this beautiful country, Brazil. I was
pleased to be able to read Brazilian newspapers, to see news in a Brazilian’s eye. Again
thank you so much.

Dr. Richard Langford
Via Internet


Thank you! As a Brazilian who lives in Israel and misses Brazil a loooot I congratulate
you guys for your good work. I liked your articles very much especially the one about
Senna. I will keep you in my bookmarks. Obrigada e tchau!

Gizel Maimon
Jerusalem, Israel

Of Verses and

I would like to congratulate you for Brazzil, I really love it. I would have
liked to see more poems by Vinicius de Moraes and the opportunity to listen to him reading
his own poems. I would also like to ask you something. I am going to publish my own
personal Website and I intend to put a Poem of Vinicius called "Absence"…
Sorry but I do not know the original title. I’d like to know whether I can do that and
whether I can translate it into English by myself. I’d really like to. So I’d like to have
some info on eventual copyrights.

Tommaso Banfi
Milan, Italy


I recently gave donations to Madera Wood International. I also bought some herbs, which
I’m still waiting for. I want to know from a different source if they (Madera) are real
and if they really operate a herbal and real authentic Amazon Indian hand made wooden
products like birds and fish as well as blow guns. Is this company really giving back 25%
of the profits back to the Indians that still live in the rain forest? They say they are a
family-run business since 1961. If that’s true I will support this small but interesting
company that operates out of the rain forest. They also sell parcels of land in Brazil to
the public so that they can own a acre of land to be preserved for life. Please, when you
can, try to look into this company ( to see if they are hurting
the rain forest or helping… Thanks so much

A. Fornuto
Via Internet

A Sample,

I would like to receive a free copy of your magazine as a trial. As a Brazilian living
in the U.S., I would greatly appreciate a printed magazine about my home country and its
rich culture, and am very interested in subscribing to it.

Daniel Ghizoni
Blacksburg, Virginia


My new interest is Brazil. Can I survive with English alone, how safe is it? Can I walk
the streets safely, are the people friendly? Why these questions. I want to attend your
Carnaval, maybe 2001.

Plainfield, New Jersey

Keeping in

Thank you for the free sample of Brazzil. My daughter is presently taking part
in a cultural/scientific program in Brazil. She will be there until mid December. The
magazine will be very beneficial to both of us. I feel like I have something to relate to
now. Thanks so much!

M. Groseclose
Tazewell, Virginia


I recently received he latest issue of Brazzil and am very impressed. The
articles were such that expatriate Brazilians or just those interested in Brazil (like me)
will be informed. I noticed in that same issue a call for volunteers with regard to
proofreading, writing, etc, and would like to receive additional info. I am very
interested in volunteering in a capacity which you deem needed.

Nathan Manning
Via Internet


I picked up you magazine the other day at a Brazilian restaurant in Venice. I recently
took a Portuguese class in Los Angeles and would like to study in Brazil. I’m aware of a
language school in Rio (I actually visited when I went to Rio in March). Next year I’m
particularly interested in visiting Salvador, Bahia. A friend believes there is a language
school in Bahia called Diálogo. Do you have any information on it or any idea how I can
find it?

Timothy Stirton
Los Angeles, California

Brazil 500

Can you tell me about Brazil’s upcoming 500-year birthday celebrations? I’ve seen most
of your recent articles, but don’t remember one on this topic. When exactly is it and what
is planned? I hope to travel to Rio with friends at that time. I already have my airline
tickets for New Years Eve and Carnaval, but I think the birthday party will be better
(tamer) for some. Thanks for any information you have.

Tom Brahan
Falls Church, Virginia


I am very interested in finding Brazilian owned or Brazilian related businesses located
in the United States, particularly in Chicago. I am associated with a soccer club called
Team Chicago. Our coach/director was raised in Brazil most of his life and the soccer club
has adopted the "Brazilian style" type of soccer. You would be very impressed
with the accomplishments of this club, especially the flagship team, Team Chicago Panthers
U13 girls. They are undefeated and have been for eight consecutive seasons. We attribute
that to the Brazilian style soccer that we play. I am interested in finding a Brazilian
business that would be willing to use our club as its advertisement throughout the country
in exchange for sponsorship. Mark my word, one day, this team will be at the Olympics.

Paula Pope
Chicago, Illinois


I am a graduate student interested in Brazil, the government, politics, and the
military. Your magazine and any back issues would be helpful, I would be very grateful for
any help or advice

Peter Giako
Flushing, New York

A Place
in Rio

Falo alemão, francês e inglês e tenho conhecimento de espanhol (pois estudo na
Escola Suíço-Brasileira), moro somente com a minha mãe (que também fala francês e
inglês) sobrando um quarto num apartamento espaçoso e bem localizado, em Copacabana.
Costumamos hospedar suíços que vêm eventualmente ao Brasil para estágios, e o esquema
de hospedagem é uma troca de experiências muito enriquecedora. Além disso, tenho uma
casa em Búzios (praia de Manguinhos) disponível para interessados em alugá-la. Qualquer
informação, pode escrever para

Natalia Rayol Fontoura
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The Hidden

Queria dar os parabéns a Daniella Thompson pela matéria sobre a Família Roitman, que
está, como de hábito, feita com muito cuidado e seriedade. A autora mais uma vez mostra
o seu empenho em divulgar, da música brasileira, aquilo que é menos óbvio e, por isso
mesmo, mais necessitado de que se chame a atenção. É um grande serviço que ela

Helion Povoa
Rio de Janeiro

Work in

Gostaria de receber mais de uma cópia da revista se possível. Eu gosto muito da Brazzil…
e também do Brasil! E mais uma coisa… Vocês sabem de oportunidades para dar aulas de
inglês em uma escola no nordeste do Brasil? Onde ficam as listas para trabalho como este,
e também para trabalho como escrever propaganda de promoções de música? Eu tenho muito
experiência nas duas coisas. Para mais detalhes, olhe meu site:

Ceja Ciaran
Albany, California

Can’t you
find Brazzil at your Brazilian consulate? Don’t ask us why, ask the consulate.

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