metatag LETTERS - brazzil



New official statistics show that the subterranean economy in Brazil
employs one in every four Brazilians. Some experts think that the situation is so
desperate that only a federal program modeled after Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal
created to combat the Great Depression would work right now. The 12.87 million people
employed by the informal economy equal the total number of workers in the public and
industry sectors combined. Furthermore, this crisis has increased the amount of working
children. In Rio alone, there are 1.5 million youngsters between the ages of 10 and 17 who
By Brazzil Magazine

I just received the May issue of your magazine today and I was amazed
at the amount of negative mail you received. It ranged from the reasonable such as
disagreeing with certain articles to the absurd and asinine such as complaining about the
name of the magazine.

I just wanted to say that I have loved your magazine from the first
time I picked it up in the lobby of the Brazilian consulate. What I principally love about
your magazine is that it IS Brazil. The beauty and the ugliness, the hope and the
hopelessness, the potential and the shortcomings. Brazil is the only country in the world
that can have the rich and the poor living inches from each other as in Rio, where a man
can be elected president despite the government publicly acknowledging that they are
rigging the election, where the country is ashamed because they think their president is
gay, then horrified when he shows up to Carnaval arm in arm with a woman without panties,
then enamored with the love he found for a young teacher. Where skirting the law is the

Brazil is the most contrasted country in the world. It is this contrast
that makes me love and hate it. I have great hope and profound sadness every time I hear
news from the country.

Your magazine is a reflection of all this. It is Brazil as it is. I do
not always agree with what is written, I sometimes wish that some pictures were not
included, other times I wish more pictures were included. When I was in Brazil it was the
same feeling, some things I loved, others I hated, just as I feel about my own country.

If you do not like the sexuality in the magazine you will not like
Brazil either with its soft porn prime time novelas and prostitutes that openly
advertise in the paper. If you do not like the stories of corruption in Brazil than do not
go there, as you will not be able to adapt yourself to the jeitinho.

If you are Brazilian and do not like the way your country is
represented in the magazine do not pretend that those elements are not real. If it is so
disturbing, go back and fix it, the power is in the hands of the people. Things are the
way they are because the people accept it.

If you are American, realize that the only difference between here and
there is that they acknowledge the shortcoming of their country. They do not have kids
killing other kids in school, or crazed postal workers. If you are offended by the open
sexuality of Brazil then remind yourself of the sex addict that we have in office. You
elected him, and if you didn’t elect him you also didn’t do a very good job of getting him
out of office.

What you seen in the two dimensional black and white of this magazine
is part of the three dimensional technicolor of real life. Look at it, think about it and
learn from it or bury you head back in the sand and shut up.

Willis D. McCain
San Diego, California


Hungry for information on Brazil, I always devour your magazine. The
May issue was very well done; even your ugly Australian’s article was semi-readable and
less annoying than usual. However, I would like to comment on the music section. I love
the quality and counterpoise between Bruce Gilman’s article on Caetano (the pulse) and
Daniella Thompson’s piece on Arranco (the fabric). I realize that the editorial choices
you make are limited, but I want to commend you for providing information for
Brazilophiles at both "beginner" and "advanced" levels (as well as
providing a service, and target, for stranded Brazilians). Thanks.

Don Gettinger
Via Internet


Thanks to Bruce for the wonderful piece of writing on Caetano Veloso
(May 1999). It gave me some very basic insights in Caetano’s work that I was lacking.
Also, I now appreciate Livro much more. The piece verified for me a number of
themes I thought present in the CD, but wasn’t sure. This summer at University of
California Santa Barbara I’ll being doing a presentation on Caetano Veloso and will
distribute this article to the participants.

Fred Dobb, Ph.D.
California Department of Education

and Orpheus

I loved the article in Brazzil on Vinicius de Moraes (May 1999).
Can you tell me if the film Orfeu will make a U.S. debut? I am most anxious to see
the film having seen the original 15 times. Your magazine is wonderful. I look forward to
receiving many more issues.

Barbara Goldstein
Via Internet


We did love the article on Vinicius. I never knew the whole story, and
I am a fan of bossa-nova. By the way, is it possible to get Black Orpheus in Video VHS? I
am talking about the one that appeared on cinemas in Mexico around 1959 with those Luís
Bonfá songs. Please let me know, I am a current reader of your magazzine.

Gilberto Gomez

And the

I am writing Brazzil magazine because I have not seen an article
about the Afro-Brazilian middle class. What businesses do they own, and what do they like
to do in their spare time. Please understand that I am not interested in a "poor Baiano"
story. Out of a population of 60 million Afro-Brazilians, there has to be at least one
million persons or families that live above the poverty line. In essence, they are the
people I would like to market a variety of products and services too.

Although Brazil markets to mostly persons of European parentage, there
is enough room to market to a few million non-Europeans every now and then. If possible,
could one of you writers/editors create a story that shows the pride and dignity of this
very important group within your economy.

Robert C. Blackmon
Via Internet

Poor in

I was especially captivated by your April ’99 ("Blue Angel")
story about the impoverished people in Brazil. I have been to Rio once before and plan to
go again in September. Can the author (Kevin Rafferty) provide an address for the
shelter-home described in his article? I would like to take family members there to show
them how harsh life in "paradise" can be. And if there is something I can do to
help them during my stay, I would be obliged.

Scott O’Neil
Via Internet


I’d like to comment on your article "Rio Disarms Its
Citizens" (April 1999). The only people affected by gun laws are the good people.
Criminals always get what they want: guns, drugs you name it. I own a fine handgun made in
Brazil. I am so sorry to hear that this is happening to the citizens of the great state of
Rio. Brazil is a wonderful nation but it must not seek to destroy freedom there…I hope
the people of Rio rise up and say NO to victim disarmament. Freedom is so easy to give
away and so very hard to get back.

If they wanted to, Japanese-Americans could regularly purchase handguns
and shoot each other with abandon. Yet Japanese-Americans, who have access to firearms,
have a lower violent crime rate than do Japanese in Japan. In other words, for this one
ethno-cultural group, the increased availability of firearms means absolutely nothing in
terms of increased violence. In Switzerland, there is a high rate of gun ownership
(including fully-automatic assault weapons), yet little gun crime.

There is a famous "Swissraeli syllogism":

1. Switzerland and Israel are heavily armed;

2. Switzerland and Israel have very low crime rates;

3. Therefore, guns do not cause crime.

I so enjoy Brazzil; I find it is the most entertaining e-zine around.

Angela Gibson
Via Internet


Hi, I was very perplexed by the truth in the beautiful report on
Hermeto Pascoal by Bruce Gilman. Congratulations. I’m Braziliam, 39 years old, know of
Hermeto since I was about 15, think of him as the greatest, God, The Man… Sad for not
sharing more of his work with anyone else, few people care. My thanks to Bruce for
expressing his feelings and respect, and if one day your magazine wants to know more about
his shows in Brazil, or here at S.O.B., in New York, I will be glad to help.

Max Tuta Noronha
New York, New York

The Memories
You Brought

I can’t believe I’m reading about (country music composer) João
Pacífico. (Brazzil, January 1999). I remember when I was a little girl at 7 years
old. My mom and I lived in Guarapiranga, bairro de Santo Amaro in São Paulo. My
mom took care of this beautiful house by the represa de Gurapiranga. We were poor
but always lived near rich people. I met João when he was one of the chauffeurs for Mr.
Verbist and his wife. My mom would cook dinner for them and he ate with us the servants. I
even have a picture of him playing the pandeiro. Isn’t nice to hear about someone
you remember so well from your childhood. I didn’t know he was well-known in Brazil. I was
just a little girl. Thank you for making my day so beautiful today!

Vera Schneekloth
Via Internet

Also Have
a Question

Congratulations on your fantastic Website about Brazil. My name is
Sandra and I’m graduating in Advertising in September from the Regional University of
Blumenau, in the southern state of Santa Catarina. The subject of my monograph is the
presence of Brazil as a tourism product in the universe of cyberspace. Of course, your
site has been cited in the search engines as one of the most important ones about Brazil.
Therefore, I would like to ask for your permission to mention your site in my monograph.
Can I have the name of the webmaster, too? I would also be immensely grateful if you could
tell me a bit more about your work, and your ideas about the image of Brazil as a tourism
destination among Americans.

Sandra Rubia da Silva
Santa Catarina, Brazil

Not What
I Know

Great article by "Ernesto Twegen" [Brazil Up Close, April
1999]. But where did he learn to make caipirinhas? Peeling limes and shaking
vigorously may apply to making a batida de limão, but not capirinhas, caipiríssimas
or caipiroscas. These you muddle and stir.

Bill Williamson
Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Because I’m the manager of a famous Brazilian singer who is living in
Switzerland I’d like to have some further information about your magazine. The number of
subscribers, the possibilities of advertising and the prices as well.

I’m interested as well in getting an issue of your publication. Because
it isn’t common to use checks here in Switzerland I’d pay for your costs by bank to bank
transfer. Please provide me also the terms and conditions for distributing an audio CD on
your internet-site. It would be great if you could give information about the visitors of
your Internet site. All other Brazilian music-related Internet pages would also be very

Urs Burri
Adliswil, Switzerland

Only in US

I had the chance to access you magazine Brazzil in the Net.
I thought it had very interesting information and I liked the style of the publication. I
live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and I would like to know how can I receive samples of your
magazine in my house.

Gláucio Santoro
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


I am trying to find information (& photos) of two Brazilian
actresses. Ana Carbatti (or Carbati) who plays Zulmira on "Força de um Desejo"
on TV Globo. Also Carmen Luz. I do not know more than her name. I realize this is not your
field, but I don’t know who else to ask. If you can’t help maybe you can steer me to
someone who can.

Samantha Coerbell 


I run a Brazilian night here in New York with a live Batucada
and DJ’s spinning axé, samba, batucada, and modern Brazilian grooves. I’ll be in
LA spinning at some Brazilian Club…I don’t know offhand what the name of it is, but I’ll
be looking for other gigs while I’m out there. I’ll be there the first week of September.
I’ve spun at parties with Tom Zé, Vinicius, Nana Vasconcelos, Cyro Baptista, Carlinhos,
Olodum, Gilberto Gil, Caetano, Soulslinger, Amon Tobin, Smoke City, etc… And am
producing a track with both Cyro and Nana. If you have any ideas let me know…

Brant Mounger
New York, New York 


Please start our subscription. We are desperate for a tutor for our 9
your old son. He needs help with his English before the school year starts this September.
Can you help us?
Rob Hoffman

for Patrícia

I would like to get some information about the Brazilian actress and
model Patrícia Mário who lives in Miami. She was chosen to host the TV show Billboard
Music World 95 and she worked in a special called a "Day in Hollywood." for
Fox Network. I’ll thank you, any information about her manager, model agency or personal

Pablo Fernández 


I am trying to find a Brazilian calendar for holidays, and brief
description of these holidays in English. I am an American working in Brazil. There are
many holidays and I do not know what the occasion is.

Chuck Hower 

the Rich

I am writing Brazzil magazine because I have not seen an article
about the Afro-Brazilian middle class. What businesses do they own, and what do they like
to do in their spare time. Please understand that I am not interested in a "poor Baiano"
story. Out of a population of 60 million Afro-Brazilians, there has to be at least one
million persons or families that live above the poverty line. In essence, they are the
people I would like to market a variety of products and services too.

Although Brazil markets to mostly persons of European parentage, there
is enough room to market to a few million non-Europeans every now and then. If possible,
could one of you writers/editors create a story that shows the pride and dignity of this
very important group within your economy.

Robert C. Blackmon
Via Internet


I’m 33 years old and I live in Mato Grosso do Sul, located in the
Brazilian Center—southern area. I´m a journalist and I am currently seeking
employment as news correspondent from here. For that reason, I´m looking for a newspaper,
magazine, university or any institution that might be interested in getting news or
researches—culture, politics, environment, translations etc.—about my country. I
intend to work at home using the Internet, local newspapers, libraries, etc. as means of
communication and research. I wonder if you could help me make that happen.

José Roberto da Silva Machado
Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil 

of It

In reference to your article on Bidu Sayão , her second husband,
Giuseppe Danise, was a great baritone, not a tenor. The rest of the article was great.

Via Internet

and Law

I write about Brazilian history and environmental law. I got your
e-mail through The Brazilian Sun newspaper. I had a book autograph signing last
April 22 in an event organized by ACM Productions. Romero Britto exhibited his paintings
and after a cocktail and dinner, Pery Ribeiro sang for two hundred people. My book is
called Brazilian Environmental Law and was published in honor of the 500 years of
the Discovery of Brazil by Portugal. I just received permission to use the brand of the
Brasil-Portugal Bilateral Commission for the celebration of the 500 years of Pedro
Álvares Cabral’s trip.

Ann Helen Wainer
Hallandale, Florida

Is She?

Hey you all brazzileiros, nunca tinha ouvido falar na revista!
Também morando no interior do RS, como iria saber de vocês? Mas, casualmente, procurando
algo no www.ask, dei de cara com uma série de cartas, a maioria com um feeling de
indignação a respeito de um artigo da Ana Maria Bahiana. Tinha até um texto de
brasileira, uma tal Iara, doutora em qualquer coisa, que sentiu o golpe da cusparada no
umbigo do Tio Sam e tomou as dores.

Façam um favor, e mandem pra mim umas edições sobradas da revista,
mesmo que sejam velhuscas. Só mais uma coisa: onde achar a revista nos states? Estive em
Nova York em 93 e 94, em Miami em 91 e em Los Angeles e San Francisco em 98, e não achei
nem sinal da Brazzil (também, como não sabia que existia, não tinha olhos para
achá-la). Última coisa: onde encontro o endereço ou, melhor, o e-mail da Ana Maria
Bahiana ?

José L. Felippi
Vacaria, Brazil


Oi, pessoal! Eu geralmente leio com muito interesse a sua revista. Como eu posso fazer
para adquirir uma cópia do mês de maio, na qual havia uma ótima entrevista com o
cantor/compositor Carlinhos Brown? Infelizmente, eu não consigo achar nenhuma cópia
daquela edição. Por favor, se vocês puderem me mandar uma cópia da revista, eu ficaria
muito grata. Obrigada, não só pela sua atenção, mas também pelo belo trabalho que
vocês estão fazendo em manter a nossa comunidade brasileira informada do que se passa no
Brasil, de forma inteligente e dinâmica. Tudo de bom, boa sorte!

Via Internet

Can’t you find Brazzil
at your Brazilian consulate? Don’t ask us why, ask the consulate.

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