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Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

By Brazzil Magazine


Os Ratos do Ano 2030 (The Mice from the Year 2030)—Tragicomedy.
Written, directed and starred by Flávio Migliaccio with Dirce Migliaccio, the director’s
sister. A couple argues with a supercomputer after they find that they are on a list to be
fired. Teatro do Espaço Cultural dos Correios.

A Dança dos Mitos (The Dance of the Myths)—Comedy. Four people
interpret their heroes Jean D’Arc, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe and Che Guevara. Written
by Vinícius Marquez and directed by Marcelo Saback, with Isabela Garcia, Rodolfo Bottino,
Rosana Oliveira, and André Bonow. Teatro Sesi.

Os Sete Gatinhos (The Seven Kittens)—Typical feuilleton by Nélson
Rodrigues. Directed by Moacyr Góes, with Natália Lage and André Valli. Father goes up
the wall when he finds out that his younger daughter Silene lost her virginity to a gigolo
who is also the lover of his older daughter. Teatro Leblon.

Alice Através do Espelho (Alice Through the Mirror)—Based on Lewis
Carroll’s story. Directed by Paulo de Moraes, with ensemble Armazém de Teatro. In a
mobile labyrinth Carroll and Alice share their hallucinations with the public. Fundição

À Meia-Noite Chuparei o Teu Sangue (At Midnight I Will Suck Your
Blood)—Comedy. Written by Anselmo Prado, directed by Frederico D’Amico, with Abílio
Campos and Cléo Funke. Vampire lusting for the blood of a nephew. Teatro Galeria.


A Lua é Minha (The Moon Is Mine)—Drama. Written and directed by Márcio
Bortolotto, with Aline Abovsky, Christine Vianna, and Everton Bortotti. To survive an
artist must produce new works of art. Dur. 60 min. Um artista plástico se vê diante da
necessidade de produzir novas obras para sobreviver. Dir. Texto e dir. Centro Cultural
São Paulo.

O Homem Que Sabia Português (The Man Who Knew Portuguese)—Musical.
Directed by Chico Pelúcio with Tim Rescala, Marina Machado, Maurício Tizumba, and Regina
Spósito. A teacher, his maid and their love life. Tom Brasil.

Cacilda!—Dramedy. Written and directed by José Celso Martinez Corrêa,
with Leona Cavalli and Renée Gummie. The story of Brazilian theater though the eyes of
virtuoso actress Cacilda Becker. Teatro Oficina.

Corpo a Corpo (Body to Body)—Written by Oduvaldo Viana Filho, directed by
Eduardo Tolentino de Araújo, with Zé Carlos Machado. Adman in conflict with his
convictions and the values of world he lives in. Teatro Aliança Francesa

Somos Irmãs (We Are Sisters)—Musical. Written by Sandra Louzada, directed
by Ney Matogrosso and Cininha de Paula, with Nicette Bruno, Suely Franco, and Beth
Goulart. The life story of famous radio era singers Linda e Dircinha Batista. Teatro
Cultura Artística.

American movies:

Pleasantville (A Vida em Preto e Branco), Waking Ned Devine (A Fortuna de Ned),
Simon Birch (Pequeno Milagre), At First Sight (À Primeira Vista), Eight Millimeter (Oito
Milímetros), Happiness (Felicidade), True Crime (Crime Verdadeiro), Phantoms (Fantasmas),
54 (Studio 54), Forces of Nature (Forças do Destino), In the Deep End of the Ocean (Nas
Profundezas do Mar Sem Fim), Ravenous (Mortos de Fome), Waterboy (O Rei da Água), The
Matrix (Matrix), The Impostors (Os Impostores), The Education of Little Tree (A Educação
de Pequena Árvore), The Confession (A Confissão), Hilary and Jackie (Hilary e Jackie),
Never Been Kissed (Nunca Fui Beijada)

Até Que a Vida Nos Separe (Until Life Do Us
Apart)—Brazil/1999—Adventure—Directed by José Zaragoza, with Alexandre
Borges and Júlia Lemmertz. Five friends from São Paulo and their love exploits.

Outras Estórias (Other
Stories)—Brazil/1999—Drama—Directed by Pedro Bial, with Cacá Carvalho,
Giulia Gam , and Juca de Oliveira. Based on Guimarães Rosa’s short stories.

Um Copo de Cólera (A Glass of
Wrath)—Brasil/1999—Drama—Directed by Aluizio Abranches, with Alexandre
Borges, Julia Lemmertz, Ruth de Souza, and Marieta Severo. He is running away from
society, she is a politically active journalist. Based on Raduan Nassar’s cult book
of same name.

Orfeu (Orpheus)—Brazil/1998—Drama. Remake of Marcel Camus’s Oscar
winner Black Orpheus. This is the Orpheus myth and his love for Euridice set among the
favela (shantytown) residents in Rio. Based on Orfeu da Conceição, a play by Vinícius
de Moraes. Directed by Carlos Diegues, with Toni Garrido, Patrícia França, and Murilo

Tiradentes—Brazil/1998—Drama. The story of Joaquim José da Silva
Xavier, Tiradentes, the martyr of the Brazilian independence. Critics have lambasted the
film as a caricature. Directed by Oswaldo Caldeira, with Humberto Martins, Rodolfo
Bottino, and Adriana Esteves.

São Jerônimo (Saint Jerome)—Brazil/1999—Drama. The life of Saint
Jerome and his preaching in the desert. Directed by Júlio Bressane, with Everaldo Pontes,
Hamilton Vaz Pereira and Helena Ignez.

Central do Brasil (Central Station)—Brazil/1998—Drama. A woman who
writes letters to illiterate people for a living together with a little boy goes looking
for his father. Directed by Walter Salles, with Fernanda Montenegro, Vinícius de Oliveira
and Marília Pêra.


1 A casa dos budas ditosos, Luxúria, João Ubaldo Ribeiro. Objetiva, R$

2 A eminência, Morris West. Record

3 Homem que matou Getúlio Vargas, Jô Soares. Companhia das Letras, R$

4 Conte-me seus sonhos, Sidney Sheldon. Record, R$ 25

5 Toxina, Robin Cook. Record, R$ 28

6 O clube dos anaw6kx, Gula, Luís Fernando Veríssimo. Objetiva, R$ 16.80

7 Ramsés, o templo de milhões de anos, Christian Jacq. Bertrand, R$ 30

8 Mal secreto, Inveja, Zuenir Ventura. Objetiva, R$ 22

9 Veronika decide morrer, Paulo Coelho. Objetiva, R$ 15

10 O Advogado, John Grisham. Rocco, R$ 25


1 O essencial, Contanza Pascolato. Objetiva, R$ 39

2 A casa do Rio Vermelho, Zélia Gattai. Record, R$ 25

3 As melhores piadas do planeta e da casseta também, vol.2, Casseta e
Planeta. Objetiva, R$ 12

4 A viagem do descobrimento, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 18

5 Náufragos, traficantes e degredados, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 19.50

6 203 maneiras de enlouquecer um homem na cama, Olivia Saint Claire.
Ediouro, R$ 10.90

7 As barbas do imperador: D. Pedro II, um monarca nos trópicos, Lilia
Schwarcz. Companhia das Letras, R$ 32

8 208 maneiras de deixar um homem louco de desejo, Margot Saint-Loup.
Ediouro, R$ 9.90

9 A Última grande lição: o sentido da vida, Mitch Albom. Sextante, R$

10 Chiquinha Gonzaga, uma história de vida, Edinha Diniz. Rosa dos
Tempos, R$ 22


1 Cibercultura, Pierre Levy. Editora 34, R$ 25

2 Introdução ao Windows 98, Russel Borland. Campus, R$ 60

3 Filtros para Photoshop, Michael Clark. Ciência Moderna, R$ 53

4 Modelagem de objetos através da UML, José Furlan. Makrom, R$ 44,60

5 Access 97 visual basic passo a passo, Evan Callaran. Makrom, R$ 49,50

According to Jornal do Brasil

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