metatag LETTERS - brazzil



For long considered a patrimony of Brazilian music, Francisco
Buarque de Hollanda, better known as Chico Buarque, has just been chosen Brazil’s Musician
of the Century in a competition promoted by weekly news magazine Isto É. Competing
with him there were such music legends as Tom Jobim, who came in second, Milton
Nascimento, João Gilberto, Noel Rosa, Pixinguinha, Caetano Veloso, and Gilberto Gil. Brazzil
tells the story of the genius Chico Buarque.
By Brazzil Magazine

If it is possible to write to or e-mail Ms A. Fabres, who wrote an article on the
differences between the Portuguese of Portugal and Brazil, I would like to find out more
about learning the language of Brazil. I have a course that I recently purchased titled Portuguese
Brazilian, and it is very interesting. I learned Spanish as a second language and I
thought it would be fairly easy. I don’t think that it is though. So that’s why I would
like to write to her to find out her idea of the best way to learn the language without
taking a trip to Brazil.

Mike Tracy
Sacramento, California

to Know

Can you please tell me how do you rate Globo network as the top rated /most watched TV
program-8.40 PM novela for 20 years? Do you have any viewing figures? I look
forward to hear from you.

Lina Liu, Records Researcher
Guinness Book of Records
London, United Kingdom

Will Travel

Please send a copy of your magazine. We are anxious for any news of Brazil. Last year
we had a foreign exchange student from Mato Grosso (through Rotary) and when he went back
home my son accompanied him and visited for five weeks. He loved it. I, too, am anxious to
go. I’d love to go for a year or half year and work—I’m a teacher of English. Know of
any programs that need teachers—especially in Mato Grosso or the Mato Grosso do Sul

Joanne Curtis
Custer, Wisconsim

and Art

I was one of the artists at the 23rd São Paulo Bienal in 1996, along with other Asian
artists in the Universalis part of the exhibit organized by the Japan Foundation. I was
just wondering if there were any reviews about the exhibit?

Coincidentally, Mr. Yanagi, also one of the artists of the Universalis from Japan, is
presently here in the Philippines for an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum in Manila,
also organized by the Japan Foundation and curated by Ms. Naomi Koyama, who was also with
us in Sao Paolo. I read about the unfortunate event with the rain that happened during the
Bienal last year. But I know how very efficient the Bienal staff is and I’m sure
everything went on smoothly.

Charlie Co
Negros Occidental, Philippines

The Internet
and Us

Congratulations for this delightful magazine! I am a journalist of the Brazilian
magazine and I am going to write an article about how the
North-Americans see the Brazilian Web designers and the Brazilian conquests on the
Internet. Have you already written any article about the "Brazilian Way of
Internet" or anything similar? If so, I’d love to read it. What does Brazzil
think about the Brazilian Websites?

Adriana Lutfi –
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


We would like Brazzil to forward this message to pop sensation Father Marcelo:
"Padre Marcelo, Nos gustaria que visite la Argentina, y nos bendiga. Tambien
quisieramos tener las letras de los canticos. Estamos a su disposicion. Gracias."
Jovenes de la parroquia del P.Farinello

Pascual Gabbanelli

Not Us

For God’s sake what has happened to your Website? Every time I try to download, instead
of getting your formerly great site, I get some software legal garbage that goes on
forever. Like a dog barking to keep me out of your site. Will someone please tell me what
is Liveupdate Crescendo? And why should I care? Does this mean I can’t enjoy the Brazzil
site without high pressure to buy something? That is the worst of the United States
attitudes. Your site used to open with a beautiful welcome, now it’s an unwelcome legal
contract. I still like your magazine, but for me the Website is finished.

Bernie Borok
Via Internet

to Recife

It was a pleasure to read Bruce Gilman’s so nice article on Mestre Ambrósio. (Brazzil,
January 1999). I am away from Recife and currently living in London. So I don’t hear much
about them. Reading your article made me go straight away to listen to Mestre Ambrósio’s
CD. Please, let us know when you have more information on Mestre Ambrósio’s tour in

Roberta Uchoa


The contents of the magazine are impressive and I’m amazed at how good the subjects
are. I’d like to get a sample and then figure out how to pay for a subscription, since I
can’t send a check from here. I still have an account in the U.S., I was wondering if I
could have it debited from it.

Leda Rodrigues Demboscki
Dialogus Assessoria em Idiomas
Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil

So Far
So Close

I’m now a good 8000 miles away (in Hollywood) from the American Society gatherings at
the Jockey Club and the terrace bashes at John Weinkopf’s pad in Leblon, but my spirit is
still Carioca. What a great surprise to pick up my first copy of Brazzil
magazine since I’ve returned and recognize the author of one of the articles, John Miller.

Since leaving Rio in August I’ve settled back into LA. I’m the director of a SCORE
education center for kids 4-14 and also am gearing up for voiceover work in the LA area.
To matar a saudade, I just went to the Rio Carnaval at the Hollywood Palladium last
Saturday. It’s a drop in the bucket compared to the real thing, but it’s a drop
nonetheless, and should tide me over for a little while.

How has the devaluation of the currency affected business? Is a chopp (draft
beer) still $1?

Hollywood, California


I haven’t finished John Miller’s article yet but just had to write and tell you what a
laugh I got with his jackhammer start. ("Life Is Adventure", December 1998). I
wrote an article for Brazzil a couple of months ago after spending nearly a year in
the interior of Brazil working for an importer. I lived on one of the busiest corners of
Presidente Prudente (400 miles due west of São Paulo) in rodeo country—and the
noise, my God, the noise. The windows of my bedroom (in my boss’ mother-in-law’s house,
designed by Oscar Niemeyer who was the architect for Brasilia and the whole thing was
falling down with obsolescence) were directly across from an ATM at a bank. Traffic all
night long – brakes, horns, boom boxes, men urinating on the curb, loud talk all night,
clouds of carbon monoxide wafting in to hover over my bed which was a hard as this table.

Have you noticed Brazilians never sleep? That’s because they suck on that coffee
liqueur from dawn till dark. Half sugar, half bitter coffee. By the time they get to the
office, they’re wired awreddy. By three, their eyelashes are crimped and by five, their
brows are furrowed and they’re demonstrating severe paranoia and screaming at each other.
High school kids’ parties START at 11 PM or midnight. Parents stumble around to pick them
up around 3:30 or 4:00 AM! I finally resorted to a "white noise" appliance which
emitted the sounds of rain, train, or jungle with a circular, palm-sized speaker I could
put on my pillow. Turned up full, it helped, but at no hour of the day could a
conversation be carried on in my room.

Now, about diarrhea. (This is mother speaking.) You need to avoid Brazil’s milk
products. And tap water, of course. Go to the farmácia and get some Immodium D or
some Pepto Bismol. Watch out for the animal fats that are in everything. Find an herb shop
and get some "Erva Doce"—also available in the markets. Drink it instead of
coffee three times a day at least. The dysentery can slip up on you (pardon the pun) and
really take you out. Keep your liquid intake high – water and tea. No alcohol, that
irritates the lining of the intestine. Plain mandioca or potato, boiled. Soft
boiled eggs, ripe banana, plain Brazilian rolls—no butter or cheeses! If you can get
it, stewed chicken not fried. And boiled fresh okra.

Jerine Watson


I am writing to you for some information concerning some of the more famous buildings
and structures that are in Brazil. My grandson has an assignment in school that requires
him to write a report on these buildings and structures. From what his mother explained to
me he needs this report completed by March 1, 1999. Any information that you could supply
would be greatly appreciated.

Earl Ledoux Jr
Via Internet


Does the possibility exist of getting or even of subscribing to Brazzil magazine
in Germany?

Christian Rinne
Germany, Via Internet


I am going on an expedition to Brazil with some friends in 18-months time, and I am
gathering information at present. Could you help me? Probably best to e-mail me.

James Burton
Birmingham, United Kingdom

From a True

Please continue my subscription to your fine magazine. My subscription expires this
month and I don’t want to miss an issue. I want to thank you for publishing an informative
and enjoyable magazine for the next two years (at least). A Brasileiro at heart if not by

Steven Wilkerson
Washington, DC


How lucky you should feel for having a reader like me, from Turkey. I really enjoyed
reading your magazine, especially that bossa nova story (December 1998). Keep
going. Bonne chance!

Isik Pamir
Laguna Hills, California


Please renew my subscription and also add three personal American friends who would
like to hear from Brazzil. Thank you and keep up with the good work. I personally
think that your magazine not only "reports" as it "illustrates" the
Brazilian culture.

Vladimir Bellemo
Fullerton, California


Gente, parabéns pelo site… Está genial e é um prazer recomendá-lo aos amigos!

Eleuza Alves de Oliveira


Recentememte li os artigos publicados em sua revista sobre os problemas que ocorreram
entre a empresa The Body Shop e os índios Kayapós. No entanto fiquei com uma dúvida
sobre uma informação presente nos dois artigos. O Sr. Saulo Petean afirma que na
campanha da American Express, Anitta Roddick aparece ao lado do cacique Pykati-re, pela
qual ele teria recebido $600.000.

No artigo do Sr. Jon Entine ele afirma que a campanha com a American Express foi feita
com índios mexicanos. Gostaria de maiores esclarecimentos sobre isso e por que não foi
informado o e-mail nem fornecidas outras informações sobre o Sr. Blair Palese, no final
de seu artigo de resposta.


Can’t you
find Brazzil at your Brazilian consulate? Don’t ask us why, ask the consulate.

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