Residents of Pukanu, a Mebengokre Indian village in Brazil, faced
numerous hazards before logging on the Internet. Chief Pykati-re made several trips by
single-engine Cessna across 240 miles of rainforest to plug his community’s Macintosh
PowerBook into a phone line. Pykati-re effort has become a paradigm of how the Internet
can be utilized by even the smallest players in the global economy. Whatever the future
role of the Internet in solving the problems of the rural poor, the Pykany Trading Company
is a proof that a small enterprise can do business in the global marketplace and a
practical example for other indigenous and peasant communities. With their use of the
Internet the inhabitants of Pukanu village are responding to their critics and showing the
world that they can be responsible players in the global marketplace, while at the same
time preserving their traditions.
By Brazzil Magazine
About the letter from Fernando de Oliveira (Brazzil, December 1998) I would like
to say that’s only immature not accepting being criticized. Unfortunately we Brazilians as
a nation are very immature. Listening to what others have to say is the only way to see
what is wrong and try to fix it. There’s a lot to fix, but we pretend everything is fine
instead of fighting against it. Mr. John Miller has the right to communicate his
experiences about Brazil as any of us visiting another country including Australia.
Insulting his wine for that matter is just childish
Áurea de Maia
San Francisco, CA
"Life is Adventure" (Brazzil, December 1998) was a great
article!" The author didn’t write about the physical beauty of the Brazilian woman
Henry Harper
of Rio
I just read John Miller’s article on Rio (December 1998). It brought back fine memories
of my two visits to Rio, in ’95 and ’96. The sound of a jackhammer will always remind me
of Rio. My last visit I stayed in an apartment on Atlântica Blvd, overlooking Copacabana.
My three weeks there will remain in my mind to the end of my time. And, fortunately for
me, I too had a bidet at my disposal and what a blessing that was. (Sun stroke and
dehydration.) Thanks again for the remembrance. I enjoyed it very much.
Gary Carlson
Escanaba, Michigan
Dear John
John Miller had still another great article on Rio, taking the lighter and informative
approach to the country. I noted that there were several congratulatory and appreciative
letters in the recent Brazzil on line (January 1999). Keep it up. and thanks.
Frank A. Harris
Via Internet
A Good
As we start the new year, let’s hope that the Brazzil magazine will be more
prompt with delivery. It’s a shame that a very good magazine doesn’t have more support
from the Brazilian and American community. I hope this year will bring more volunteers to
help out.
Prof. Esdras Othon Leitão
Rancho Palos Verdes, California
the Team
I would first like to say that I love your publication. I am a recent college grad with
interests in all things Brazilian as well as journalism. I would love to become part of Brazzil
magazine team in any capacity that you may need. I have noticed that there are often
typographical and/or minor grammatical mistakes in the magazine which I would be more than
happy to catch and correct as I have a great eye for detail. Please let me know if you
could use my services.
Prince Kusi
New York, NY
to Know
I am a student at the University of South Florida. I am currently in an International
Marketing class and we have picked Brazil as our featured country. I need to find specific
info on Brazil and I was wondering if you could help me get the info or could point me in
the right direction. I need info on ethnic groupspopulation, geographic
concentration. Also info on language spoken and written and religion within the country
and its impact. And if possible a brief relevant history of the country and how it impacts
the people.
Wayne Wood
Miami, Florida
I wonder if you can help me? I am an International Business degree student from
England, currently on academic exchange at New Mexico State University. As part of my
degree U.K. program, my third year (effectively commencing June of this year) is an
industrial placement, or internship, year. Having spent my first year in the U.K. and my
second studying here in the U.S., I would very much like to spend the third year working
for a company in Brazilparticularly in Salvador da Bahia.
I am having difficulty finding sufficient information about the region, and the
companies operating there to be able to investigate my options fully. I wonder if you
could help at all or suggest any other contacts or information sources that could aid me
in my search? I am hoping that there are some companies in the Bahia area that I could
speak with to determine if any internship opportunities exist. I would very much like to
spend next year in Brazil as I believe that it would be an incredible experience and a
great start to my career.
Greg Clark
New Mexico State University
I’m a student at Old Orchard Beach High School, Maine U.S. and I am in a class called
America’s Cup Technology. My teammates and I are involved in a project/competition called
the Young America Cup Challenge, which is a scaled down model of the America’s Cup. What
we do is pick a country and we have decided to represent Brazil and do a report about your
country. We also have to design and build a display that represents Brazil. I’m seeking
information about Brazil. Could you please send me a copy of your magazine? P.S. I will be
in contact on a weekly basis.
Old Orchard Beach, Maine
A Thanks
from Brazil
Hi, I’d like you to know how much I’ve enjoyed your e-zine, its the best I’ve ever
seen, and it gives me more and more pride of being Brazilian… Thanks
Bauru, Sao Paulo, Brazil
I loved the message and info about Maurício de Souza Productions. I would appreciate
though if you informed people who are looking for pictures of the cartoons on the net!
They are so cute and need to be appreciated throughout the world.
Margaret Graham
Via Internet
I think Tiazinha is a spectacular woman. She has a very pretty body, she is gorgeous
and I would like an autographed picture dedicated to Camilo so that I can hang it on my
bedroom’s wall.
Juan Camilo Martinez
Via Internet
No More
As a result of searching articles on Hermeto Pascoal, I stumbled upon your page. The
applet from on your index page is very "evil." It hogs
processor time. CPU utilization is maxed out at 100 % because of this applet. It is poor
Java programming. Please get rid of it. I would like to see the rest of the pages, but it
is very hard. I couldn’t even use your search engine. I hope you improve your site by
getting rid of this inefficient applet.
Satoshi Shinozaki
Software Engineer
Digi International
No Backs
Is there a way to buy all of 1998s issues? I would like to buy some back issues. Send
the prices please. I am going to subscribe ASAP. I think that the material in your
magazine is top notch and extremely interesting. Please continue to speak out the truth!
Via Internet
I found the article on economy by Basil Karatzas insightful and well-written, an
excellent article. I hope that he will be writing regular commentaries.
Barbara Manousso
Houston, Texas
Agreeing and
Acabo de ler o artigo "The Race Equality Myth in Brazil" (Brazzil, January
1999). Muito bom e informativo. O enviei a um amigo do Brasil que não concorda com minha
opinião. Obs: Vocês fazem um verdadeiro milagre em publicarem a revista tanto em papel
quanto na Internet. Continuem o excelente trabalho! Agradeço a existência da Brazzil!
Desde que conheço Brazzil, posso constatar os freqüentes protestos a respeito
de fotografias explicitamente sexuais que aparecem especialmente em
"Rapidinhas". Depois de muito tempo, essas fotos continuam sendo apresentadas,
apesar dos contínuos protestos.
Suponho que isso seja um jogo para aumentar a circulação, mas nao creio que surta
efeito nos EUA. Além do mais, use um "jogo de cintura" bem brasileiro e elimine
esse material fotográfico. Isso manteria os assinantes não-brasileiros em sua maior
parte, e permitiria uma aceitação maior da revista, especialmente em associações
religiosas, escolas, etc. Além do mais, o que não falta em publicações brasileiras
são fotos desse teor.
Vocês já repararam que nos últimos 10 a 15 anos, as redes de noticiários de TV nos
EUA nao mais apresentam o Carnaval do Rio? Eu tenho uma teoria da razão desse fenômeno:
Desde que mulheres (na maioria lindas) passaram a aparecer com os seios descobertos nos
desfiles, os produtores acharam que não poderiam incluir clips, mesmo editados, devido o
caráter supostamente "conservador" do público americano. Com isso, o Brasil
perde milhões de turistas americanos, que ignoram a existência de tão belo e portentoso
espetáculo e que não vão presenciá-lo. Pensem nisso… Portanto, considerem um plano
alternativo de ação para o assunto acima.
Arsênio Fornaro
New York, NY
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