metatag Brazil and IDB Want More Effective Investments - brazzil

Brazil and IDB Want More Effective Investments

Brazil’s Minister of Planning, Paulo Bernardo, signed this April 12 with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), whose governors are meeting in Japan, a letter of intent to implement a plan to increase the effectiveness of social and economic development investments.

According to the Ministry’s press-service, IDB’s Program to Implement the External Pillar of the Medium-term Action Plan for Development Effectiveness (PRODEV) offers participating countries technical assistance grants to help establish and implement an action plan to improve performance of projects and development programs.

The letter of intention signed with IDB President Enrique Iglesias will involve the optimization of systems for procurement, auditing oversight and control, and the information and statistics system for managing for results.

Minister of Environment, Marina Silva, has recently signed a Protocol of Intentions with the Interamerican Development Bank for a US$ 550,000 grant. The funds, from Holland and the IDB, will be used to draw up Brazil’s water resource program guidelines and goals.

Silva also presided over the opening ceremony of the 32nd meeting of the Technical Commission of the National Water Resources Plan (PNRH), which now has a new homepage on the internet at http:// and signed orders for the establishment of twelve regional PNRH executive commissions.

The commissions consist of representatives of civil society and water users, as well as government agencies, who will elaborate PNRH policies.



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