metatag Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies - brazzil

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

Best-seller Books, Plays and Movies

By Brazzil Magazine

Velório à Brasileira (Wake Brazilian Style)—Comedy—After
winning the big prize in the lottery three friends decide do enjoy their lives. Written by
Aziz Bajur, directed by Golb Carvalho, with the Grupo Teatral Batráquios Imperiais.

Deu a Louca em Cinderela – Um Conto ao Avesso (Cinderella Went Crazy _ A
Short Story in the Wrong Side)—Comedy—An erotic satire to the famous fairy tale.
Written by Zoraya Andrade, directed by Jorge Paes, with Luciana Sena and Diego Caputto.

Amigo Oculto (Secret Friend)—Comedy. A family gathering to celebrate
Christmas becomes a big mess. Written by Augusto Boal, directed by Marília Pêra, with
Fafy Siqueira and Françoise Forton. Teatro do Sesi.

Louca Turbulência (Crazy Turbulence)—After being fired from the
radio station she worked for, a radio hostess decides to air some dirty linen about the
people she worked with. Teatro Dulcina

Tuti—Drama—An examination of the role of black in Brazilian
society. Written Ubirajara Fidalgo, directed by Cyrano Rosalém, with Dalny Dias Cesar and
Déo Garcez. Teatro de Arena Elza Osborne

Alice Através do Espelho (Alice Through the Looking Glass)—Based on
Lewis Carroll story, the staging uses tricks like a moving ceiling that forces people to
lower the head, so the spectator can feel a little like Alice must have felt. Directed by
Paulo de Moraes with Cia. Armazém de Teatro. Fundição Progresso.


Um Padre à Italiana (A Priest, Italian Style)—Comedy—An
ambitious young priest whose goal is to become pope gets involved in strange and
threatening happenings while waiting for the bishop’s visit. Written by Pedro Mário
Herrero, directed by Camila Raffanti, with Guilherme Uzeda and Camila Raffanti,

Tanto Faz (It Doesn’t Matter)—Drama—Adapted from Reinaldo
Moraes’s book of same name. Ricardo gets a scholarship to study in Paris, but instead of
studying he dedicates himself to drugs, women and loafing.

Socorro, Mamãe Foi Embora! (Help, Mom’s Gone Away!)—Comedy. Typical
Jewish mother abandons the house for one week and comes back announcing she wants to
become an actress. Written by Benedito Ruy Barbosa, directed by José Wilker, with John
Herbert, Marilene Barbosa, and Dalton Mello. Teatro Imprensa.

Ventriloquist—An amusing and critical take on modern society and the
difficulty of being original. Internet, futurology, fashion, and drugs are some of the
target of writer and director Gerald Thomas. Movie director Cacá Diegues participates
with his voice in off. Teatro São Pedro.

Mais Perto (Closer)—Comedy. Four people getting together, falling in
love, having sex, and betraying each other. Written by Patrick Marber, directed by Hector
Babenco, with Renata Sorrah, José Mayer, Marco Ricca and Guta Stresser.

Beckettiana # 3—Two texts by Irish playwright Samuel Becket. In the
first, different voices talk about the life of an old man. In the second, an old man talks
about his anxieties and loneliness. Interpreted by Becket expert Linneu Dias and directed
by Rubens Rusche, another Becket expert. Centro Cultural São Paulo.

Fragmentos Troianos (Trojan Fragments)—A comparison between the old
Greek wars and World War II and the Holocaust. Written and directed by Antunes Filho, with
the young actors of Antunes’s Centro de Pesquisas Teatrais.


Just-released American movies:

Up at the Villa (Uma Paixão em Florença), Just the Ticket (Meu Adorável
Sonhador), Return to Me (Feitiço do Coração), X-Men (X-Men), Return to Me (Feitiço do
Coração), Gone in 60 Seconds (60 Segundos), Superstar (Superstar – Despenca uma
Estrela), The Misadventures of Margareth (Nem Todas as Mulheres São Iguais), The Patriot
(O Patriota), Pokemon 2 – The Movie 2000 (Pokémon – O Filme 2000),Final Destination
(Premonição), The Road to El Dorado (O Caminho para El Dorado), Dinosaur (Dinossauro),
Scream 3 (Pânico 3), Mission Impossible 2 (Missão Impossível 2), Keeping the Faith
(Tenha Fé), Gladiator (Gladiador), Galaxy Quest (Heróis Fora de Órbita), The Big Kahuna
(A Chave do Sucesso), My life so far (Tempo da Inocência), Boonie Hunt (Comédia

Eu, Tu, Eles (I, You, They)—Brazil/2000—Drama. Based on the
real story of Darlene, a northeastern woman who lives in the same house with her husband
and two lovers. Directed by Andrucha Waddington, with Regina Casé, Lima Duarte and
Stênio Garcia.

Estorvo (Hurdle)—Brazil/1999—Drama. Running away to nowhere a
man meets threatening characters in an unknown world. Adapted from the book by Chico
Buarque de Holanda. Directed by Ruy Guerra, with Jorge Perugorría, Bianca Byington,
Leonor Arocha, Tonico Oliveira, Xando Graça and Susana Ribeiro.

Cronicamente Inviável (Chronically Unfeasible)—In a São Paulo
restaurant five characters bare their own souls, clash and reconcile. By Sérgio Bianchi,
with Cecil Thiré, Betty Gofman, Daniel Dantas, Dan Stulbach, Dira Paes, and Umberto

Hunter’s Moon (O Dia da Caça)—Brazil/1999—Nando finds
out he has been betrayed after being forced to return to drug trafficking, something he
had abandoned. Directed by Alberto Graça, with Marcelo Antony, Barbara Schulz, Jonas
Bloch, and Felipe Camargo.

A Terceira Morte de Joaquim Bolívar (The Third Death of Joaquim
Bolívar)—Brazil/1998—Centered in the 1964 military coup in Brazil, the story is
told in three distinct phases. Directed by Flávio Cândido, with Sérgio Silviero, Othon
Bastos, and Jonas Bloch.

Olé, um Movie Cabra da Peste—Brazil/1999—A Nordestino (a man
from the Brazilian Northeast) searching for his sister ends up in Los Angeles and is
chased by the Police after getting involved with drug dealers and prostitutes. Directed by
Roberto Santucci Filho, with Mario Helborn, Jesus Nebot, Anthony Cordova

Através da Janela (Through the Window)—Brazil/2000—A retired
nurse does not know what to do when her young son starts behaving in a weird way. Directed
by Tata Amaral, with Laura Cardoso, Fransergio Araújo and Ana Lúcia Torre.

Oriundi—Brazil/2000—Anthony Quinn stars in this Brazilian
production by director Ricardo Bravo. On his 96th birthday, Giuseppe (Quinn) is sick and
in bad shape financially. A story of intimate dramas and family conflicts. With Leticia
Spiller, Paulo Autran and Paulo Betti.


1. Harry Potter e a pedra filosofal,J.K.Rowling. Rocco, R$ 22

2. Ofensas pessoais, Scott Turrow. Record, R$ 30

3. Ramsés (vol 1), o filho da luz, Christian Jacq. Bertrand, R$ 33

4. Fim de caso, Graham Greene. Record, R$ 15

5. A casa dos budas ditosos, João Ubaldo Ribeiro. Objetiva, R$ 19

6. Os cem melhores contos do século, org. Ítalo Moriconi. Objetiva, R$ 49

7. Bridget Jones no limite da razão, Helen Fielding. Record, R$ 28

8. A pedra da luz, vol 2: A mulher sábia, Christian Jacq. Bertrand, R$ 38

9. O conselheiro come, João Ribeiro. Nova Fronteira, R$ 19

10. Um Deus em ruínas, Leon Uris. Record, R$ 39


1. A arte da felicidade, Dalai lama. Martins Fontes, R$ 32,50

2. O livro de ouro da mitologia, Thomas Bulfinch. Ediouro, R$ 29

3. Morcegos negros, Lucas Figueredo. Record, R$ 28

4. O papa de Hitler, John Cornwell. Imago, R$ 40

5. Mar sem fim, Amyr Klink. Cia.das Letras, R$ 26,50

6. A viagem do descobrimento, Eduardo Bueno. Objetiva, R$ 18

7. Uma ética para o novo milênio, Dalai Lama. Sextante, R$ 24

8. Enquanto o amor não vem, Iyanla Vanzant. Sextante, R$ 24

9. A história das inquisições, Francisco Bethencourt. Companhia das Letras,
R$ 39,50

10. As melhores piadas do Planeta e da Casseta também, vol 3, Casseta e
Planeta. Objetiva, R$ 18


1. Ah, se eu soubesse, Richard Edler, R$ 30,50

2. Marketing para o século XXI, Philip Kotler, R$ 34

3. Diferenciar ou morrer, Jack Trouf, R$ 28

4. Gestão de sonhos, riscos e oportunidades, Sérgio Almeida, R$ 19,90

5. Não faça tempestade em copo d’água, Richard Carlson, R$ 23,50

6. Administração de marketing, Philip Kotler, R$ 50

7. Como aprimorar as vendas, Robert Heller, R$ 14,90

8. Como administrar o tempo, Folha de S.Paulo, R$ 14,90

9. 101 segredos para ser um profissional na área, Nancy Stern, R$ 17

10. Futurize sua empresa, David Siegel, R$ 32

According to Jornal do Brasil,

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